"Encouraging wives to store up God’s Word in their hearts, to understand more of who He is, and to exemplify Christ in their daily lives."


What do we discuss?

At CCW, our discussions range from home design to navigating infertility, guided by a biblical perspective. We share personal stories where CC Wives pour out their hearts—we invite you to explore these testimonies! Our community values these heartfelt exchanges, seeking to uplift and encourage one another in faith. May you find inspiration and connection as you journey with us through these shared experiences. Happy reading!!


Lifestyle, Biblical Womanhood Young CC Wives . Lifestyle, Biblical Womanhood Young CC Wives .

Ginger’s Interview- Back to the Basics:

Ginger has her own business called Back to the Basics 101. Sadly, our diet can contribute to a lot of our health issues. Ginger's main focus is getting nutrients from the source! If God didn't make it, she does not eat it! In this interview, she shares how it all started, things the Lord has taught her, her own health issues regarding diet, and ways she is still learning and growing. I have also linked some of her products and videos.

Ginger has her own business called Back to the Basics 101. The Lord is truly at the center of her business and has shown her so much regarding healthy eating and how we care for our bodies. If you are struggling with healthy eating, auto-immune disorders, heart issues, asthma, etc. this interview is a must read! Ginger shares how God revealed to her that she needed to change her children’s diet, and they were healed from their sickness. This is where it all began for her! If you are new to starting your health journey, Ginger’s story is the best place to start! She sells amazing products that are perfect for introducing “nutrients from the source” into your home!

Ginger on the left

Introduce Yourself, Brand, and you can also briefly share your testimony here too!  

I’m Ginger Butts been married to my hubs, Johnny, for 32 years. Back in 2012, I started my business, “Back to the BASICS 101.” The acronym, BASICS, stands for Brothers and Sisters in Christ’s Service. My mission statement is: When we are Saved, Discipled, and Healthy, we can have the abundant life Jesus talks about in John 10:10. 

Ginger's Family

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."~ John 10:10

When did you start your health journey and how did God reveal that to you?  

My health journey began when my sons were young and had respiratory issues. I was new walking closely to Jesus. Because of my history of addiction, I was not a fan of medication. When I’d take my boys to the doctor, they would treat the symptoms and prescribe medication to address the symptoms. That’s when I began to ask questions like, “What is the root issue?” “What is causing this?” Because I was brought up to not question authority and just accept whatever the “experts” say, it put me way out of my comfort zone asking those questions. I don’t remember the specifics of how it all went down, but I do remember one monumental moment. I was laying across my bed and had my bible open to James 1.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” ~ James 1:5-6

In verse 5, it says, “if you want wisdom to ask and it will be given to you.” But verse 6 says, “...when you ask, you must believe and not doubt.” I put all that I had “out there” and said, “God, I don’t know how this works, but I want wisdom!” I may not have known the story of Jacob when he wrestled with God, but that’s what I picture in the spiritual realm. I was NOT letting go until God gave me wisdom concerning my children’s health. The fierceness of a mama bear had me all in to get answers instead of just accepting what the “experts” said. 

Long story short, much research and praying and listening I went to the doctor armed with my research. After 1.5 hours, my husband and I left and I realized they are not infallible. They are in practice. I felt led to make a radical move. Never heard of the likes of this before with anyone. I changed their diet slowly.  

God healed them! I felt led to take them off their medicine. Was it hard work? You better believe it! But the exhilaration in knowing I was led in an unorthodox way and God proved faithful, pumped me up! I put myself out there by questioning the practices of the experts, not because I’m medically qualified, but because I truly believe the Holy Spirit lives in me and that gives me that resurrection power we sing about in church! 

What were some of the small steps you took to change in relation to health?  

Ha! “Small steps” are not in my DNA. My personality is all in!  But here are some things I did. Mind you this was almost 30 years ago when it wasn’t as accessible or “trending.” 

  • Drove 35 miles one way weekly to organic farm to pick produce and bring it home and process  

  • Stopped all sugar when I learned it feeds disease 

  • No dyes in “food” once I learned dyes are made from petroleum 

  • Brought a grain mill into our home 

Basically, if God made it we ate it. If man made it we didn’t.  

What is a common misconception people have when it comes to food? 

I would say the misconception is in their definition of food. My definition of food is getting as close to God’s Creation as possible to get “Nutrition from the Source.”  

What is Back to the Basics 101? When did you feel the calling to start Back to the Basics 101? What are some other items you sell? 

So time marches on and my boys flew the coop. I’ve always had to supplement our income since I chose to be a SAHM over a civil service career I had before I was married. In 2012, our school system was selected for Feed My School pilot. With this program, one school would feed their children for a week from local farmers. The Nutrition Director for our county went to church with us. She knew I milled grains into flour and my husband grew wheat. She asked me to provide the flour to make yeast rolls. I looked forward to supplementing our income with this opportunity and create large quantity recipes with fresh milled flour.  

I milled my hubby’s wheat with my residential grain mill and went to the schoolhouse armed with fresh milled flour. I baked with the staff and we made light fluffy yeast rolls, cookies, and muffins. That week, everyone experienced delicious whole-wheat products because of fresh milled flour. The “Feed my School” initiative was a success and “birthed” my business, Back to the BASICS 101. 

I knew if our school system bought fresh milled flour that other school systems would also. So I purchased a commercial stone mill to accommodate large school orders. However, schools are not in session during the summer and I needed cash flow to pay start-up costs. Not to be deterred, I went to a Farmers Market with fresh milled flour. Everyone loved the concept of locally grown wheat and fresh milled flour, but the reality was, no one baked. So that’s when I developed Homemade Baking Mixes using our Georgia Grown wheat flour along with other pronounceable ingredients.  


Homemade Baking Mixes were the first product line. Initially, I took the recipes I made for my family and multiplied it to make larger batches. We now have 17 different kinds of Homemade Baking Mixes. 

In 2014, I personally suffered a health crisis. It appeared to be cardiac related. My father died suddenly at the age of 41 of a massive heart attack. I’ve always been “harrassed” by the enemy that that would also be the case for me. After much prayer and research and grounded in many Scriptures for ammunition, I felt led to treat myself nutritionally and went vegan, for lack of a better term. I needed protein and that's when I created the purest form of plant protein with my second product line, Nourished in 5. Five organic seeds milled into a meal that I used in smoothies for 5 years to heal my body of inflammation. And the result was complete healing of my body and the potential cardiac issues.  

A third product line was born when there was a flu rampage. I had an elderberry syrup I used for my family for years. I knew it was effective. When a friend had the flu and I sent her the syrup, she was amazed how well it worked for her. That's when I realized I needed to make it a product so others can benefit from it. Elderberries & More Ultimate Syrup mix was created. I chose to not make it already made as I would have to use a co-packer and wasn't confident in its efficacy versus making a mix that puts the power in the hands of the consumer. When they drop the powerhouse herbs in the hot water, it releases its medicinal properties providing the consumer the peak of potency. It can't help but be effective! 

In 2018, I opened a retail store and commercial kitchen in addition to my wholesale business. I carried the most superior forms of all food in my little country store on our property of over 250 acres. It was a dream. All the foods I ate I was able to prepare and provide for my community. I had all the fermentation with kombucha, water kefir, cultured veggies and coconut kefir. Fermentation is such a gift that needs to be tapped into. I wanted my customers to use the coconut milk kefir. But a lot of them didn't like it by itself. As an avid dipper, I thought I could add ranch seasoning to it and dip away! Everyone loved it. So I created a 4th product line of seasonings: Ranch, Taco, and Italian. All using organic dried herbs. That's it. Nothing extra. Nothing preserved. Just purity and an explosion of taste! 

How are you using this business to glorify and honor the Lord?  

I view my business as a platform to share my testimony of healing through a living God.

I do this in-person when I sample my products in my retailer partners’ stores. 

I do this on our packaging. 

I do this through my website. 

So many different opportunities present themselves for me to share the good news of a living God that cares!! 

What are some of your favorite items and what are some of the most sold items?  

The Elderberries & More Ultimate Syrup kit is our most popular item. It’s truly effective because having the “source” of the herbs and making it into an elixir puts the power in the consumer’s hands. '

Our Elderberries & More Ultimate Syrup Kit is a natural remedy for colds, flu and more.

Here’s why we love it:

  • supports the immune system

  • powerhouse of antioxidants

  • fresh syrup mix delivers medicinal properties at the peak of potency

  • easy to make

Ingredients: Organic Dried Elderberries, Organics Dried Rosehips, Organic Dried Hibiscus, Organic Cinnamon Stick, Organic Whole Cloves

Our whole grain Cheddar Garlic Biscuits are the perfect side at dinner… but they are so good, you’ll want to eat them on your own. Easy to make, these biscuits are a tasty, better-for-you option that will liven up your dinner table.

Makes about 30 drop biscuits.

Our pancakes and waffles mix, made from whole grains, is a great way to start your day. Make breakfast time family time… the only question is, which will it be? Pancakes or waffles?

Makes about 10-12 small pancakes or 3-4 waffles.

What is one thing you wish you could have done differently?  

I love people and I love doing life with people. But I’m not a good “manager” of people. Meaning, I’m not a good “boss” (because I’m a pushover). I wish I had a mentor to guide me to be a good leader to build a team. 

I wish I knew business better. I don’t consider myself a businessperson cause I’m figuring it all out as I go. Again, a mentor to guide me in business decisions.  

How has God used you and your passion so far?  

Such a great question for me to contemplate. We’ve had a lot of loss in our family in the last few years. Last year I considered selling my business. As I was considering that, I put out on social media this question: “What impact has my business had on you as one of my followers?” The number one answer was us producing the elderberry kit. The next biggest response was how my personal involvement has helped others realize that God’s best for us is to nourish our bodies and teaching them ways to do that. The third biggest response was our quality products, “best in the business” as one follower said

How can ladies at CCW be praying for you and your business/ministry? 

Since experiencing loss recently, it’s changed me. I love what I do but there’s so much I want to do. I’m VERY ADD so please pray for me to be focused and know God’s plan concerning the future of my business.

What are some Scriptures that have been a helpful guide and encouragement for you? 

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” God created food is for our good to nourish us. But as a society, our palate's desire what is man-made and we are malnourished.”- Hosea 4:6

 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

~1 Corinthians 6:19-20

 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

~ Ephesians 6:12

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces[a] of this world rather than on Christ.”

~Colossians 2:8

Every viewpoint we have, even regarding food/nourishment, comes from a worldly philosophy or from the Word.   I could go on and on and on. I could write a book. Actually, I probably should lol 

More Back to the Basics -

Note From Isabel:

My mom and Ginger are good friends. I can remember when I was feeling sick, my mom would have me drink some of Ginger’s Elderberry. It truly helped boost my immune system and I usually ended up feeling fine the next day. I remember thinking, there has got to be something to this! Ginger truly has the sweetest heart and truly cares for educating people on diet and nutrition. The Lord has used her so much. A lot of people have no clue what they are putting into their bodies on a daily basis and the effects it has on us. When we go to the doctor, we are told to take medicine… when really it may be something as simple as changing our diet! Ginger has done an excellent job of educating others on this discussion and providing people with real nutrients!

I added some of Ginger’s videos, photo, and links so you can “follow her on the socials!”

Here is a video about Ginger and how it all started. Click the Button below to watch!

Ginger's Store

She has been in the local news many times!

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Politics Young CC Wives . Politics Young CC Wives .

Should Christians Vote Red?

Should Christian's vote red? Why or why not? I have outlined some of Trump's policies and backed them with Scripture. I am also going to be sharing a PDF file of this as well! Click here to read and feel free to share!

As Christians, sometimes we wonder if we should vote, who we should vote for, and why. Politics can be messy and some of us try to avoid the conversation at all costs. However, I do believe Christians are called to speak up and speak for the truth. We have to be informed. In this post, I have included some of the policies Trump stands for that align with the Word of God. As Christians, voting for truth, matters more than voting out of habit, personal preferences, and so much more. Knowing the facts and why is super important. All voters need to be informed voters. The media only shares what they want you to see and it can be extremely biased. If you do not do your research, then you may be an uninformed voter. I am also going to create a PDF for this and add it to the website for easy sharing.


As a Christian, this policy alone should be why you vote for Trump. Kamala Harris’ entire campaign is centered around the killing of innocent children and she calls it, “Women’s Reproductive Freedoms.” On the debate stage, she smiled as she talked about abortion. It is sickening what is happening and we need to know and be aware. If she truly cared for women’s right and health, she would start by caring for them in the womb.

Trump may not stand where every Christian stands on abortion, but it is a step in the right direction. Here is a part of his Policy on Law and Liberty:

“President Donald J. Trump appointed nearly 300 federal judges to interpret the Constitution as written and preserve the extraordinary vision of our founding fathers. He confirmed three strong Constitutionalists to the United States Supreme Court who will ensure the law is upheld equally, fairly and without political prejudice for all of our citizens. President Trump’s three appointees delivered the biggest win for life in a generation in overturning Roe v. Wade and expanded the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. President Trump will continue to nominate highly qualified prosecutors, judges, and justices who believe in enforcing the law, not their own political agenda. He will also always defend your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and uphold your religious liberty, including the Constitutional right to pray in public schools.”

Trump appointed those judges who was able to overturn Roe v. Wade and hand it over to the States. Trump has said he doesn’t believe in abortion, but does believe in the exceptions. While many Christians have issues with this, we have to think that Trump also may not be on the same moral compass as us, and he is a politician. He wants to win the vote and majority and even some Christians still struggle with the exceptions. However, I can say without a doubt that less babies will die under Trump’s presidency than under Kamala Harris.

I have linked a podcast that also goes through this as well. Listen to it, and don’t keep scrolling.

Kamala Harris also had an abortion clinic on wheels at the DNC. Many of these abortions performed are harmful to the mother, and is why some of these women are dying like Amber Thurman and Candi Miller. The media twists this to make you believe it is because of the laws, but in reality it is because of the pills and the malpractice of doctors. You can purchase an abortion pill anywhere online via telehealth, and many of these pills come from other countries. Sometimes these can include deadly substances like fentanyl. Click here to read.

Trump has a multitude of wise advisors around him and God can do anything. Trump could get in office, and he have a burden on his heart to get rid of all abortions. He is already moving in the right direction and he took action by appointing the 3 judges his last presidency.

Scripture Says:

What does Scripture say for us to do? CHOOSE LIFE! I have added some Scriptures, and this is not even all of them.

"Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!"

-Deuteronomy 30:19-20

"Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.'"

Jeremiah 1:4-5

“You shall not murder.”

-Exodus 20:13

Yet you are he who took me from the womb;
you made me trust you at my mother’s breasts.
On you was I cast from my birth,
and from my mother’s womb you have been my God

Psalm 22:10

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.

Psalm 139:13-16

"The Lord called me from the womb, from the body of my mother he named my name."

Isaiah 49:1

“So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.”

Genesis 1:27

There is also a passage in Jeremiah that discusses people sacrificing their children to the god, Baal. They would pass their children though the fire. Today is no different, and while it may not be the god, Baal, it is the god of self. It says, “They have filled this place with the blood of innocents.”

“You shall say, ‘Hear the word of the Lord, O kings of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem. Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I am bringing such disaster upon this place that the ears of everyone who hears of it will tingle. Because the people have forsaken me and have profaned this place by making offerings in it to other gods whom neither they nor their fathers nor the kings of Judah have known; and because they have filled this place with the blood of innocents, and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or decree, nor did it come into my mind— therefore, behold, days are coming, declares the Lord, when this place shall no more be called Topheth, or the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter.”- Jeremiah 19:3-6

My personal Favorite:

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
    defend the rights of the poor and needy”

Proverbs 31:8-9

Many pro choice activist use the scenario, of rape or life of the mother as a reason for abortions. These account for less than 1% of abortions. Typically if the life of the mother is at stake, she is usually far enough along for them to deliver the child and try to give it a chance, while also caring for the mother. While rape is an awful thing, a baby should not have to pay for the sins of the father. This is where Christians can come into play and adopt the child if it is unwanted and even extend love and care to the mother.

Also let me be clear:

A D&C after miscarriage is not the same as an abortion. While they both are medically referred to as an abortion, in one case the child is deceased, and the other the child is alive. Kamala twists this to make it sound like if abortion is banned and women have a miscarriage they will never be able to get care (a D&C) and die. This is simply not true. We saw her do this during the Presidential debate.

If you do not know how an abortion is performed I suggest you take a look, it is very disturbing.

I added a video of a doctor who used to perform abortions explaining how the procedure works. There are no real life images, but it is cartoon informational… and it is still disturbing.

Kamala Harris has signed a bill that will consider babies who survive a failed abortion medical waste. She signed for that! Meaning if the baby survives a failed abortion, the doctors legally cannot do anything to help the baby who is still alive and it is thrown in the garbage to suffocate. Don’t believe me?

Click HERE to see.

Christians have to be strategic, because Satan has perverted the world we live in with so much sin.

Voting for Trump is a strategic way for us to be able to have the chance to fully eliminate abortion, but if we sit at home and do nothing… then we have no right to complain about the outcome.

Illegal Immigration:

Immigration is a hot topic in today’s election. The issue isn’t immigration, but illegal immigration. What is a criminal? I would hope you would say, someone who breaks the law, because that is what a criminal is. Someone who illegally crosses the border to a country where they have not been invited is already a criminal. They have already broken the law of that government. Romans 13 discusses this in greater detail. People may argue that Scripture tells us to welcome the sojourners and foreigners, and it does. However, this does not mean we have to be so welcoming that we neglect our own people in the process. Child Trafficking/Human Trafficking is at an all time high. There were boarders and walls in Scripture and it signified strength. Paul was a citizen of Rome so we see that even in Scripture there were rules. The government has laws for a reason to protect its citizens. With the border being wide open during the Biden Administration, we have seen the results from the death of Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungaray, and so many other women and children. These are preventable crimes. While the Bible calls us to love others and help others in need, this does not mean we have to be okay with illegal immigration. Our government can most definitely make it easier for people to migrate here, without it taking years. Our government has failed in many areas regarding this, but it still does not give people a right to just come in illegally. It is unsafe for Americans, and we are paying for their care. Most immigrants coming here are not women and children. Does that shock you? Guess what, it is middle aged men.

Here is a quote from Fox News: 

"Illegal aliens coming to America want five things: to enter the U.S.; stay here; work; send money home; and bring or have family here. All these benefits help illegal aliens stay in the U.S., so, yes, the benefits are a pull factor," Lora Ries, director of the Heritage Foundation's Border Security and Immigration Center, told Fox News Digital.

"Another benefit to add is legal services for civil deportation hearings, a benefit that U.S. citizens do not receive. Given the millions coming to the U.S. under the Biden administration, American taxpayers will see significant tax increases to pay for all these services given to people who aren’t supposed to be here. That means Americans will have even less money to spend on gas, groceries, and rent," she said. 

Scripture clearly tells us to be subject to our governing authorities.

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

Romans 13:1-7

Our country has laws and a legal process for those who wish to come here. Think about it… if people are willing to break the laws to get to America, do you think they will truly care about obeying the law once they are in? The sad answer is most likely not. When Paul wrote this, he was saying that Christian’s need to follow the law, even if we disagree. He also reminds us that nothing is beyond the knowledge of God. God knows those leading and running countries, even in America. We have to trust Him, but I also think it is important to protect our own citizens as well. Scripture does call for us to care for the widows and orphans, but this doesn’t mean we have to be okay with people coming into our country illegally. Here is a quote from got questions:

“These are good goals and motivations. However, it is not biblical to violate a law to achieve a “good.” Caring for the poor, orphans, and widows is something the Bible commands us to do (Galatians 2:10; James 1:27; 2:2–15). However, the biblical fact that we are to care for the unfortunate does not mean we should violate the law in doing so. Supporting, enabling, and/or encouraging illegal immigration is, therefore, a violation of God’s Word. Those seeking to emigrate to another country should always obey the immigration laws of that country. While this may cause delays and frustrations, it is better than acting illegally. A frustrating law is still a law.”

Many people coming across the boarder are not always coming with the best intentions. Many are drug cartels bringing in Fentanyl and other deadly substances. These drugs are also killing American citizens. Again, citizens have every right to help change laws regarding immigration. However, the people coming here illegally is not helping America and many American citizens are dying from our government’s neglect at the boarder.

Protect the Parent’s Rights

Another big issue is child gender changes/trans rights. The democratic party is fighting for “trans rights” and gender changes for children. This means if your child wants to change genders and have reconstructive surgery, then you have to allow them to do that. As parents, we have a right to decide what is best for our children. Children do not know what they want, and they change their minds a lot. We also know a person’s brain is still developing into their mid-twenties. What if a child decides to get this surgery and changes their mind later? Unfortunately, then it is too late. Parents deserve the right to say yes or no when it comes to life-altering decisions like this. Scripture also tells us many times that God created male and female. If God wanted us to be a cat, we would be a cat. If God wanted us to be a man instead of a woman, he would have done that. God made us who we are and we have a purpose in life. People who want to change their genders are questioning God’s design.

“So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Genesis 1:27-28

God created us male and female. In Deuteronomy it even discusses cross dressing as an abomination to the Lord.

“A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.”

Deuteronomy 22:5

1 Corinthians 7:2 also discusses this topic as well.

“But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.”

1 Corinthians 7:2

Trump believes it is the parent’s right to say no. He is also against the sick agenda being pushed in the school systems. He wants to keep men out of women’s sports. Again, if Kamala cared so much about women’s rights, then she would keep men out of their sports! Here is a section from Trump’s website.

“President Donald J. Trump fought tirelessly to expand charter schools and school choice for America’s children. He secured permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and protected free speech on college campuses. Now, the Harris-Biden Administration and the radical left are using the public school system to push their perverse sexual, racial, and political material on our youth. President Trump will cut federal funding for any school or program pushing Critical Race Theory or gender ideology on our children. His administration will open Civil Rights investigations into any school district that has engaged in race-based discrimination. President Trump will veto the sinister effort to weaponize civics education, keep men out of women’s sports, and create a credentialing body to certify teachers who embrace patriotic values. President Trump will reward states and school districts that abolish teacher tenure for grades K-12 and adopt Merit Pay, cut the number of school administrators, adopt a Parental Bill of Rights, and implement the direct election of school principals by the parents.”

I pray this post helps some of you decide, and I am going to be posting a PDF file with his policies and Scripture with it so you can also share on social media! Let me know what you think in the comments.

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Lifestyle Young CC Wives . Lifestyle Young CC Wives .

Creating a Cleaning Schedule:

Do you find it challenging to create a cleaning list that is easy to stick to? Emily Wall explains how to create a solid cleaning list that works for you! Click here to see how you can create a cleaning list that works for you!

Creating a cleaning schedule that works for you can be tough. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the right pattern and rhythm- especially with littles. In this post, Emily Wall is going to share how you can create a cleaning schedule that works for you!

I’m a busy ranch wife, mom of 2 toddler boys, and a small business owner, so I absolutely understand that keeping a home in order can be a straight up challenge sometimes. The mere fact that you have a home to keep though, means that there’s life happening inside it! Isn’t that one of the greatest blessings from God?

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” 

James‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

A great way to take the guesswork & mental load off of keeping a house clean, is to schedule it! My days are hugely unpredictable; no day is ever the same as the last. Since each day has its own challenges already, it’s a great help to simply look at my list for that day, accomplish only those things, and to then have the freedom to move on. It brings a sense of security and peace too, because I know that I don’t have to clean out my fridge today, since that’s tomorrow’s task!

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Scheduling also ensures that cleaning tasks are done on a regular basis, rather than “when you find the time”. If you have trouble staying focused when cleaning, a routine could be beneficial for you too. If I’ve finally sold you on the idea of a cleaning schedule, let’s talk about how to create one!

Make a list:

Write down every chore that needs done around your home. Separate them into lists for daily, weekly, and monthly. Pinterest has a lot of graphics showing how a cleaning schedule could look, but I encourage you to think through this part on your own. This schedule should be unique to the needs of your family & your home!

Tip: For tasks that need done less often than monthly, make a separate list. We won’t incorporate those in our schedule, but it can be helpful to have them written down for reference. If you’d like, even considering scheduling them in your phone calendar. Most calendars will allow you to make them recurring (every other month, biannually, annually, etc.) When you get a reminder of one of those cleaning tasks, evaluate your schedule for the week & see where you can fit it in. 

Divide the list:

We’re going to focus on the weekly & monthly list for this part. First, decide how many days your schedule will allow for cleaning tasks. Keep one day off as a Sabbath day! You’ll still likely need to do your daily chores on that day off, but you deserve a break from all the rest. If you work or have a particularly busy day any day of the week, feel welcome to leave it out too. Just remember that the more chore days you have, the less you’ll have to do each day.

Pick 1-2 days of the week to leave a window for a monthly task. Each week, rotate through your monthly list. Depending on how many monthly tasks you have, you may need to do more than 1 each week.

Now, divide your weekly tasks into the days you have available. It can be fun to have themed days: Toilet Tuesdays for cleaning bathrooms, Floors Friday for mopping, vacuuming, etc., Wash Wednesday for washing all bedding or doing laundry. The fun names are absolutely not necessary, but it helps me remember my schedule without referencing back to my master list.

Build it into your schedule:

Going back to our daily tasks, are any of them time specific? Making the bed, for example, is likely a morning chore and picking up toys might be done in the evening. Other chores can be flexible and done any time of day. Evaluate what needs done when, and be mindful about accomplishing these tasks during that time of day. You don’t need to have a rigid schedule per se, but a routine might be helpful. Let your daily chores become habit.

Any time of day, plan to work on your weekly tasks. I personally don’t have a set time of day to do my weekly chores, but most often I’m able to get them done just after my toddlers are awake, because they’re rested and content playing with each other. It’s okay to be flexible and do your chores any time that works best for that given day! Observe the natural rhythm of your home and build in chores where you see fit.

Allow others to help:

If there are other people living in your home with you, is it fitting to recruit their help? Some husbands help with household chores and others only do work outside. Some husbands don’t help at all, since they work labor intensive jobs. Gracefully accept the lifestyle God has blessed you with, and decide what works best for your family.

“Furthermore, everyone to whom God has given riches and wealth, he has also allowed him to enjoy them, take his reward, and rejoice in his labor. This is a gift of God,” ‭

Ecclesiastes‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬ ‭CSB‬‬

If you have kids, involve them if you can! Some tasks might not be safe for children, but if they show interest in what you have going on, see if there’s a way they can help. Up until 2-3 years old, it can be hard to include them, because things will take much longer to get done with the help of a toddler. Beyond that though, you’ll start to realize that your kids are actually helpful! My 3 year old takes pride in a lot of what he does and he loves to tell me that he is a good helper. To tell you the truth, he actually is becoming a big help! Your kids can learn to accomplish a lot, and to do it with joy, if you encourage them with the right opportunities.

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.” ‭

Philippians ‭4‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Give yourself grace: Keeping up with a whole home (and life on top of that!) is no small task. It’s going to be a lot of work! Be graceful and kind towards yourself when things don’t go as planned. Remember that His mercies are new every morning, so it’s okay to sleep off the housework and try again tomorrow. After time, your schedule will become second nature and much easier to keep up with!

I pray that this blesses you, and that you feel encouraged and supported as a wife!

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5 Ways Cozy Your Home For Fall:

Need 5 ways to cozy your home for Fall? Emily Wall has written a beautiful post that explains how we can do this, with our 5 senses! What are some of your favorite ways to cozy up your home? Emily has also linked a podcast episode for you ladies to refer to!

Written by Emily Wall

With the seasons changing, many of us are experiencing the transition to cooler weather. We’ll be staying indoors more as autumn settles in! It’s become the social norm to make a trip to the coffee shop for your pumpkin spice latte, followed by a stroll through all the fall decor at your local department store. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but have you considered that you can get the coveted fall feeling without all the store bought decor? That the feelings of fall are more than that?

Imagine walking into your home. The smell of vanilla & pumpkin swirls through the air and you feel instant comfort slipping on your favorite pair of slippers. You notice the gentle crackling of a wood wick candle burning, and a fresh baked loaf of pumpkin bread is waiting on the counter for you. Sounds blissful! Yet—did you notice we didn’t talk about the way your home *looked*?

The appearance of your home is actually the *last* thing you need to consider when making your home feel cozy. Inspired by an episode of the Lazy Genius Podcast that talked about Myquillyn Smith’s book “Welcome Home”, I’d love to introduce you to the way your 5 senses can come into play when making your home a cozy fall haven!

The sense of smell:

Think of all the smells of fall! Candles are a great way to introduce some seasonal fragrance, but think outside the box too. Fresh baked bread, simmer pots, and essential oils are all great ways to engage your sense of smell.

The sense of feeling:

Comfort is a significant feeling associated with fall. Think about all the things that make you feel comfortable! Clean floors to walk on, until you reach a comfortable pair of warm slippers. A soft blanket to curl up with on the couch. Switching to flannel sheets on the bed and even a gentle fall breeze through the house, if you leave the windows open! Also, don’t discount the feeling of thankfulness, as Thanksgiving approaches!

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” ‭

1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The sense of taste:

What recipes make you think of fall? After spending the summer delighting in fresh vegetables and barbecue, warm soups and hearty dinners will likely be a welcome change. Pumpkin, apples, and spices are all tastes that come with the season too. Take advantage of all the baking opportunities. That’ll double as a way to engage your sense of smell, too!

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man.”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The sense of hearing:

Most sounds associated with fall occur outdoors—crunching leaves, raindrops, birds chirping, the cheering at a hometown football game. If the weather is nice enough, opening your windows to let the sounds in can be a delight! You can also consider making a home playlist of all the songs that are specifically for this time of year.

Lastly, the sense of sight:

Chances are, there are things in your home already that have the potential to make your space look cozy. If you have lamps, choosing to use them vs overhead lighting will provide a warm glow! The sight of blankets draped over the couch instead of being put away and the gently flickering light of a candle are both simple ways to make your home welcoming.

At the end of the day, it’s a blessing to be content with what we already have. Focusing on all the other senses before feeling the pressure to buy new decor is a beautiful way of enjoying all the blessings God has put in your life. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with buying a new candle or enjoying a PSL from the local coffee shop. The whole point is to just find joy within the Lord & the life you get to live.

Enjoy a closing verse from one of my favorite books of the Bible:

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” 

Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

How do you cozy your home for fall? What are some things you add to make it special? Emily has linked a podcast below as well!

Link to the podcast:

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CCW Creators have compiled a list of their favorite music for you all to listen to! You have access to it and can play this in the car while driving, cleaning, or to worship! There are over 8 hours of songs in this playlist!

These are CCW’s creators favorite songs, and it has been added to a playlist for you all to have access to! These are perfect for cleaning, driving, or just worship!

Isabel has compiled a playlist of the best worship music! She has even added in some Christian political songs in too! Kylie also added a great number of songs to the playlist! These are perfect for every day and it last over 8 hours! We hope you enjoy it as much as we have and add it to your Spotify playlist too! If you want others, let us know so we can create them! This list is compiled of David Crowder, Lauren Daigle, Bryson Gray, and so many more talented Christian artist.

We hope you enjoy! I added the playlist below for you to access! Click it to be directed to Spotify!

Let us know how you liked this playlist in the comments below!

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Controversial, Politics Young CC Wives . Controversial, Politics Young CC Wives .

Reagan Movie Review

Have you heard about the new Reagan movie just released? Probably not because the Media has censored it. Starring Dennis Quaid, this movie is a must see and will bring you to tears. History always repeats itself. Read this short movie review to see if you are interested in watching it!

This short review was written by Isabel Bryant

Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan

I recently went to see the movie Reagan, and it was phenomenal. Dennis Quaid stars as Reagan and he does such a wonderful job portraying him. There will be some spoiler’s so maybe do not read this until after you see the film. I tried to leave out some things to keep it a surprise!

Also, the entire audience got up and clapped after the movie, and it was truly an amazing and empowering thing to see.

There are many things I want to note about this movie, so let’s dive in!

The Media

You may be saying to yourself, “I did not even know this movie was in theaters.”

You can blame the media for that. They have been censoring it. Facebook has even admitted to censoring the trailer and advertisements for this movie! They even shut down the official page of the movie twice! (You will never convince me the media is not biased)

If you don’t believe me, click here!

With the media censoring everything, it is hard to know about this movie!

If you are just now hearing about it, I will link the trailer here!

Facts about Ronald Reagan

I never knew much about Ronald Reagan, but I learned a lot. Here were some really neat facts I learned throughout the movie!

  1. His nickname was Dutch

  2. He was married twice

  3. He had a child die young

  4. He was an actor

  5. He got Alzheimer's disease and eventually died from it

  6. Reagan ran for office many times, starting with Governor of California

  7. In the election of 1980, the entire USA almost went red

  8. Reagan was a Lifeguard in his younger years

  9. America was closer to a nuclear war with Russia than people may realize!

  10. He was a Democrat until he ran for political office and switched to a Republican

  11. Reagan loved horses

You may have knew these facts already, but I did not, It was really neat to learn all of these.

The Election Map Results of 1980!


The movie began by showing you how “Dutch” grew up, but his story was being told by Viktor Petrovich, a former KGB agent. Viktor is telling the story of Reagan to an aspiring younger agent. The movie shows how Reagan rose to fame from his movies, and how he became the President of the Screen Actors Guild. He had a heart for politics and was trying to speak out on political issues any time he could. Many people around him did not appreciate this, remember this is Hollywood. After his first wife divorced him, his acting career began to slowly die. He later met Nancy Reagan, who was a sweet and supportive woman, and they were soon married. Something I did not know was Reagan was a Democrat, before running for Governor of California. Reagan saw the agenda of the Communist and wanted to put a stop to it. Communist thinking and ideas were beginning to be pushed in America subtly by the Democrats.

When asked why he left his party, he responded, “I did not leave them, they left me.”

Reagan ran for Governor of California as a Republican Candidate and he won. He soon decided he wanted to run for President. In 1968, Reagan ran for the Presidential race, and lost to Nixon. However, he did not give up. Reagan ran again in 1980 and won. I am sure you all know this but there was an assassination attempt against Ronald Reagan. He was shot by John Hinckley Jr. One of the assassin's bullets ricocheted off of Reagan’s car, and hit him under the left armpit. His Secret Service immediately jumped into action and some of them were also wounded in the process.

After the first term, Reagan decided to run again for President in 1984 and won a second term. Being known for his wits and his kind personality America grew to love him. He was one of the greatest President’s in American history and was known for his Berlin Wall Speech.

Reagan lived out the rest of his days at home with his wife in California. Sadly, he contacted Alzheimer's disease and eventually passed away from it.

The movie really tore at my heart strings and was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Dennis Quaid did an amazing job portraying him in the film.

Similarities Today?

After watching this movie, I was in shock. Back then, Communism was beginning to be slowly pushed in America, and that was something Reagan noticed. While he fought for peace, he was well aware of the communist’s agenda. How does this apply today?

Look at Communist countries like China, do you see God being the center in any of their schools, families, and even churches? They are told what to even preach at church. Everything is censored.

The Communist counties, begin to take their citizen’s rights away slowly, until they have nothing. America has taken God out of schools, and the traditional family values are no longer encouraged. Another example was during COVID. The government tried to force us all to get a vaccine during COVID, and some jobs were firing people rejected taking it. People were not allowed to leave their homes either.

The Democrats want to take away our right to bear arms, while those in power get to keep them. In Communist countries, they take away everyone’s way to defend themselves and only those in power are allowed to have them. If you need an example, Kamala Harris has said that we need gun control, but she said at the debate she is a gun owner. How is that fair at all?

Don’t believe me?

Watch this video:

This is literally happening today in America. Sounds like it is getting to be more of a socialist country.

Next is the assassination attempt on Trump, Trump has had not one attempt but two assassination attempts against him. The question is, will people wake up like they did in 1980 and vote red…or will they harden their hearts to God.

It is commonly understood that the Republican party most aligns with the Word of God, wouldn’t it be such an amazing thing to see if almost all the states turned red this election?


In conclusion, I want to say that this movie is a must see. You can wait for it to come out on DVD, if you want to save some money. However, I am unsure if it will be added to Prime Video or streaming services since the leftist agenda tries so hard to censor anything leaning more to the right side. (Again, more Communist tactics being implemented into America today.)

I learned so much from this movie and I see so many similarities to today’s time. It really breaks my heart to see that America has strayed away from God. We used to be, “one nation under God” now people do not even believe in God anymore.

If you are free this weekend, find a movie theater near you and watch Reagan! Again, you need to check because only select theaters are playing this!

If you end up going, let me know your thoughts in the comments!

ALSO, fun fact.. Dennis Quaid is voting for Trump.

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Our Fall Favorites

Top 5 Favorites Fall? YES PLEASE! We have added some of our leader's favorites of fall! From apple picking to painting pumpkins, see what traditions you might want to start for for your family!

We have added some of the CCW’s leader’s favorite Fall traditions into a list! Comment your favorite Fall Traditions below!

Fall is such a cozy season, we all have different traditions and it is fun to see what others do!


When we tell you Starbucks has the best fall flavor coffee options, we are not joking! Isabel usually goes and grabs hers as soon as Pumpkin Spice is released! You can get it cold or hot, and it is there to fill your Fall needs, whether it is 90 degrees out or 50 degrees out. Pumpkin Spice is the go to for many…. what is your go to Starbucks drink?


Okay, but is it Fall if you do not make at least one trip to a local farm? Riding on hayrides, eating delicious food, and finding your way through a corn maze makes such good memories. A lot of farms in the South have something called a Corn Box, and it is literally just a box or corn kernels that you play in. It can usually fit a lot of people in it too! They typically will have a field of pumpkins and wildflowers for you to pick! These are great for photos! Picking flowers is one of Kylie’s favorite things to do at these farms!

What are your Fall Farm Favorites?


One of Ashley’s favorite Fall Traditions is picking apples! This can be so much fun and it is a great thing to do with your family! You can use the apples you pick to make so many different desserts! You can find an Apple Orchard near you, and sometimes the Fall farms will have an orchard there along with the other fun activities!

Some dessert ideas are apple cider, apple cider cinnamon rolls, apple muffins, apple pies, and Cinnamon apple sourdough bread!

Have you ever picked your own apples?


Isabel’s go to Fall show is Gilmore Girls. It is the perfect show to make some coffee, grab a cozy blanket, cuddle with your dog and watch. It is currently on Netflix! This show has the perfect fall vibes, there is little to no language, and the “scenes” are kept to a minimum. It is about a woman who got pregnant at 16, and chose to keep her child. She has raised her and the show starts when Rory, her daughter, is in High-school!

So if you are looking for a good Fall show, start with Gilmore Girls!


A lot of you ladies do not celebrate Halloween, and we get it! Pumpkin carving may not be on your agenda, and that is okay! If you want to do something fun with the kids, why not have them paint a pumpkin instead? This is something that will keep them entertained, but will start a tradition for them to remember forever. If you do not want them painting just anything, maybe pick a Bible story for them to paint onto the Pumpkin! Display it on your front porch next to those beautiful mum flowers!

Comment your favorite Fall traditions below! We would love to see it!

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Free Small Business Course

Are you a wife who has a desire to start your own business? CCW has created a free course for you to access. It is simple and straight to the point. Emily Wall wrote the course and she has her own leatherworking business! Click here to access the free small business course!

Hey ladies! This small business course was written by Emily Wall! She is a moderator for our Facebook group and has her own small leatherwork business! She wrote this course for you all after seeing a big interest and desire for wives wanting to help bring in extra income, but doing something they truly loved. There are many small business courses to take, but this one is free and is rooted on Biblical Principles. In this course, you will learn the basics you need to start your own business. We hope you enjoy it and let us know if you want more courses like this one! :)

The course graphics were made by Isabel Bryant. Please let us know what you liked about this course and what you didn’t. We are always looking to improve!

Emily created this course with the center of it being Christ. She references the Proverbs 31 woman many times. She also talks about how we can include the Fruits of the Spirit in everything we do with our business. We need to be patient, kind, gentle, self-controlled, etc. anytime we deal with customers and other employees. We need to show the Fruits of the Spirit even with our own family. Emily walks you through all of this in her Small Business Course.

Here is the link to the FREE Course:

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Controversial Young CC Wives . Controversial Young CC Wives .

After The Debate:

After the debate... did your vote change? Click here to see the new poll!

This post is to see where everyone’s head is. The Presidential debate was yesterday. We did a poll that closed yesterday to see who you all would vote for. It was a fun experiment. The results were shared last night before the debate. I want you ladies to know that this next poll is again, something interactive to add to these blog posts. Many ladies loved the poll and wanted to do another. If you have comments on the debate, feel free to leave them below in the website comment section!

Did your vote change after watching the debate? If so, why? Why are you voting for the candidate you selected?

There is no requirement to participate in this poll, it is a neat experiment for the ladies within the CCW group. There will not be an option of neither. I posted on that last Friday and believe wholeheartedly in voting. Please pray for America and our future. Again, if you want to leave a comment regarding the debate, feel free to leave one below!

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Controversial Young CC Wives . Controversial Young CC Wives .

The Results…

This poll was done on Friday and here are the results! Trump or Kamala?

These are the results from the poll done last Friday! No names are written down and it is just the results! Please be kind, even if others voted for someone you do not agree with!

Some ladies wanted to see the polling numbers. Please keep in mind, the numbers are still steadily coming in and I am closing the poll tonight at 8:00PM. I am posting a new poll tomorrow so be on the lookout. Trump definitely won, as we are a conservative page and group so we knew that was going to happen. However, it was still interesting to see the results! Be on the lookout for the new poll tomorrow!

Trump Vs. Kamala Poll

This was the poll done on Friday. The poll had over 680 responses and they are still steadily coming in!

The Numbers:

TRUMP- 663



*this data is still steadily coming in so it is still changing. Closing the poll tonight at 8PM.

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Controversial Young CC Wives . Controversial Young CC Wives .

Trump or Kamala?

Why Christian Conservatives need to vote now, more than ever.

As election month nears, I wanted to cover this topic as I feel it is important.

Fill out this poll if you’d like! Your name is not listed, and it is just for the purposes of this post.

I want to preface this post by saying that I am not having you do this poll to see who is with what party. I cannot see the names of anyone, only the results. It is just something fun to add to engage everyone on this post, but I do urge you to consider who you are voting for and make sure they align with the Word of God as much as possible.

Why Your Voice Matters

by Isabel Bryant

While I understand politics can be a dirty game, this has been on my heart and I wanted to share. 

As election month nears, there is much anxiety between both parties. We do not know what the future holds for us, and the next four years could be a rough four years. There are wars going on all around us, prices are skyrocketing, and it seems impossible for younger people to get ahead at all financially. In the media, you hear so many different opinions, you cannot even trust the news to give you an unbiased report. The world is a mess, and we are clearly a country under judgment. I say this because, all you have to do is look around everywhere you go. There is a lack of respect for the Lord, and even less people now have a true relationship with Him. A lot of Christians have been silent and it is time to speak now more than ever.

The passage below is from Romans 1:21-32 (NIV). Our pastor actually went over this passage on Wednesday with us all and it truly defines America today.

If you take the time to read it, it sounds exactly like the world we currently live in. It is a dark and wicked time. Sin is praised and worshiped on the daily. Read it, and compare it to modern day America… does it seem similar?

“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,  slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;  they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”

Romans 1:21-32 (NIV)

After reading that passage, my heart was stirred. America used to be known for their love for the Lord... what happened? Now days when people look at America, sometimes I think they do see that we are gossips, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, boastful, disobedient to our parents (a lot of people do not even have both parents today), no understanding, no fidelity, no love, and no mercy. Americans have strayed far from the Lord.

Americans have turned their hearts away from the Lord and you can see it everywhere. Millions of babies are brutally murdered every year, people no longer know their own gender, there is a massive homeless crisis, broken homes, more violence, and it is only getting worse. People worship the god of selfishness. Sin is all around us and is running rampant in our country that was founded in Christ. It is truly a disheartening thing to see, and something has to change.

You may be wondering why I did not give the option to pick neither candidate above, and I did that for a reason. Lately, I have heard the term so much this year, “I will not be voting in this election because I do not like either candidate.” While you are one hundred percent entitled to do that, I ask you to reconsider. As Christian Conservatives, we are the voice for those precious innocent babies that are being brutally murdered every year. We are the voice for our children getting the education they need, without the world perverting it. We are the voice for so many others who do not have one. Being a Conservative in today’s time is not easy. The goal from the left is to silence us and if we choose not to vote, they have already won and accomplished their goal. We see this everywhere, especially on social media and this is why CCW was created in the first place. Christian Conservative Women no longer have a voice without being shut down, ripped apart, mocked, and made to feel as if they are nothing. They are told that they are insane for wanting to have a home, take care of their children, and cook their husband’s warm meals.

While I agree, both parties are not perfect and all have their flaws, we do need to look to Scripture. We have the opportunity to change things, so why would we sit back and do nothing?

Many people say, “I am on God’s side.” While this is the side most Christian’s desire to be on, the Lord does want us to speak for those who cannot. If Christians remain silent, things will only get worse. Poverty will increase, the violence will increase, and more babies will continue to be murdered. I want to reference this passage from Proverbs.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly;
    defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Proverbs 31:8-9

Scripture says for us to, “Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.” We have a job ladies. Christians have been silent for far too long.

While I get that politics are messy, we need to get past our own selfish desires. There will always be something about a candidate we do not like. If you are looking for a perfect candidate, you will be looking forever… because there is not going to be one. These are flawed people and they are humans just like us. They make mistakes on a daily basis and say things they should not say. How often do we do this as well?

While the Lord should be the one we look to and lean on, we do need to do our civic duty and give a voice to those who cannot speak. We have a chance to make a change, and while it may take a while for it to set in place... it needs to start now. While this country is under judgment, the Lord CAN heal this broken place. He can heal those who are confused, hurt, or empty. This verse is from 2 Chronicles 7:14 and it is so fitting.

“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14

Voting is up to you, and I cannot make you do anything you do not want to do. However, voting is something women fought so hard for and we have the blessing to vote here in America. While the candidate choices may not be everything you hoped and dreamed they would, do not be silent. Let your voice be heard. Be a light in this dark place, and pray for those running the country. Pray they would lean on Christ and accept the gift of salvation.

If you are questioning whether or not you should vote in this election, I ask you to pray on it from now until November. May the Lord guide you and lead you in whatever decision you make.

Isabel Bryant

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Biblical Womanhood, bible, Theology Thursday Young CC Wives . Biblical Womanhood, bible, Theology Thursday Young CC Wives .

Women in Leadership- Part 2

Theology Thursday- Women in Leadership Part 2. Should women be a pastor or co- pastor a church? This post is from Isabel's perspective and dives into why women should not hold a pastoral role or leadership within the church.

Hey Ladies! This is part two of our Women in Leadership series. Part 1 can be found HERE. If you are new here, every Thursday is Theological Thursday, which means things we post on may be controversial at times but still discusses Scripture. Our goal is not to divide, but to cause you to dig into God’s Word, see what it says for yourself. Do your own studying and pray that the Lord reveal truth because…let’s be honest, we are all seeking truth.

The Women in Leadership discussion is something I approached as, “What if I am wrong?” I sought wise counsel from my husband, my father and mother, but most importantly the Word of God. I am not trying to convince you on way or another, but simply present what Scripture says and leave it up to you ladies to determine for yourselves. I hope you find this post encouraging and uplifting. Women are essential, and even though I believe we should not hold pastoral roles and be leading churches…God has made us ladies with a beautiful purpose and a better one in my opinion. We have very unique and specific roles designed for us, and it is a blessing and honor to get to be a part of that. I do not need to stand from a pulpit to do what the Word of God has asked me to do.

Again, our goal is to encourage you to read and study the Word of God. Read the Scriptures I have provided. I will like to add, this is just my opinion and my conclusion of the Scriptures, after much prayer and seeking a multitude of counselors. I have my sources listed below as well for you to study and refer to them if needed. There are a few sermons I have also referenced from well-known SOLID pastors. Comment your stance under this blog post, and let us know why you agree or why you do not. Be kind, as we are all learning and growing in the Lord. I hope you all can find this message coming from a place of love and gratitude that, why I do not believe women should be preaching, they are made for something that is so much more.


by Isabel Bryant

Does the bible permit a woman to hold a pastoral role in the church? I would argue that It does not. I am making the case in this blog post that women are not permitted to hold such a role. Drawing mostly from Scripture and some supplementary sources I am going to try to address some of the general confusions about this topic. My attitude is one of encouragement toward women and wives in embracing the roles that God has laid out for both men and women in the whole counsel of his Word.

Women are called by God to embrace honorable and challenging roles. I am going to include this long quote from John MacArthur that sums up well the role of women that God has laid out in his Word. 

“In the creation account of Genesis 1, God’s first word on the subject of men and women is that they were equally created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Neither received more of the image of God than the other. So the Bible begins with the equality of the sexes. As persons, as spiritual beings standing before God, men and women are absolutely equal. In Genesis 2, there is a more detailed account of the creation of the two equal human beings that reveals differences in their God-given functions and responsibilities. God did not create the man and the woman at the same time, but rather He created Adam first and Eve later for the specific purpose of being Adam’s helper. Eve was equal to Adam, but she was given the role and duty of submitting to him. Although the word “helper” carries very positive connotations—even being used of God Himself as the helper of Israel (Deuteronomy 33:7; Psalm 33:20)—it still describes someone in a relationship of service to another. The responsibility of wives to submit to their husbands, then, was part of the plan from creation, even before the curse. The first books of the Bible establish both the equality of men and women and also the support role of the wife (see Exodus 21:15, 17, 28–31; Numbers 5:19–20, 29; 6:2; 30:1–16). Throughout the Old Testament, women were active in the religious life of Israel, but generally they were not leaders. Women like Deborah (Judges 4) were clearly the exception and not the rule. There was no woman with an ongoing prophetic ministry. No woman was a priest. No queen ever ruled Israel. No woman wrote an Old Testament (or New Testament) book. Isaiah 3:12 indicates that God allowed women to rule as part of His judgment on the sinning nation. In the midst of the Greek, Roman, and Jewish cultures, which viewed women almost on the level of possessions, Jesus showed love and respect for women. Though Jewish rabbis did not teach women and the Jewish Talmud said it was better to burn the Torah than to teach it to a woman, Jesus never took the position that women, by their very nature, could not understand spiritual or theological truth. He not only included them in His audiences but also used illustrations and images that would be familiar to them (Matthew 13:33; 22:1–2; 24:41; Luke 15:8–10) and specifically applied His teaching to them (Matthew 10:34ff.). To the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), He revealed that He was the Messiah and discussed with her topics such as eternal life and the nature of true worship. He also taught Mary and, when admonished by Martha, pointed out the priority of learning spiritual truth even over “womanly” responsibilities like serving guests in one’s home (Luke 10:38). Although men in Jesus’ day normally would not allow women to count change into their hands for fear of physical contact, Jesus touched women to heal them and allowed women to touch Him (Luke 13:10ff.; Mark 5:25ff.). Jesus even allowed a small group of women to travel with Him and His disciples (Luke 8:1–3), an unprecedented happening at that time. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene and sent her to announce His resurrection to the disciples (John 20:1–18), despite the fact that women were not allowed to be witnesses in Jewish courts because they were considered liars. In Jesus’ treatment of women, He raised their station of life and He showed them compassion and respect in a way they had never known. This demonstrated their equality. At the same time, however, Jesus still did not exalt women to a place of leadership over men.”(God's High Call For Women). 

Jesus set right the role of women in their family, church and community. Jesus showed that women were called to something much greater than what the Greek, Roman, and Jewish societies had relegated them to. He called women to embrace their God defined roles both in what they should do and in what they ought not do. Women are called to embrace their roles laid out in God’s word not only for the benefit of everyone in their family, but also everyone in their community.

We have the example of the Godly wife in Proverbs 31:10-31. I would encourage you to read Proverbs 31 and the full chapter of the Bible verses that I cite in this blog post. We see the woman working both inside the home and outside of the home all the while though she is obeying God. She is working hard for her family and her community. In Titus 2:3-5 we read that,

“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God”

(Titus 2:3-5).

In his article Costi Hinn writes that,

“God has used women mightily throughout the ages. Across the entirety of the Bible, and today, women are used by God to declare truth, teach, and be a witness for the gospel around the world. However, as we’ve seen, this is not to be done as an authority over the church or as an elder”.

Scripture is clear that women are called to be much more than quiet wives at home. In the discussions over this topic, we have a tendency to focus on what God has defined as off limits for women. This narrowing can oftentimes obscure the awesome calling that God has given to women. 

Much of the discussion around this topic centers on 1 Timothy 2:11-15.

“A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety”.

(1 Timothy 2:11-15)

Paul begins by clearly stating that “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet”. This is controversial both in our day and at the time when it was written. This quote from Trent Hunter’s article does a good job of clearing up some of the perceived problems with this verse 

“Maybe you have heard of instances in Scripture of a woman teaching—even correcting—a man in private (Acts 18:26), or of how women were the first to testify to the resurrection of Jesus and did so to men (Matt. 28:8). Or perhaps you’ve heard that every church member speaks God’s Word to each other (Eph. 4:15). All of that is wonderfully true. But none of these instances actually describe the authoritative monologue given to an audience from Scripture that is preaching. Furthermore, we actually have passages written directly at this specific question. These passages are clear: the roles of pastoring and preaching are reserved for qualified men. Where does the Bible teach this and, importantly, why? The Apostle Paul instructs Timothy, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man” (1 Tim. 2:12). Some attempt to deny the force of this passage by saying that Paul restricts teaching to men because of something specific to the first century culture. The argument usually goes like this: the Apostle Paul prohibits only uneducated women from preaching; but if they just got educated, then the prohibition no longer exists. Some argue, alternatively, that feminism overran Ephesus (the city where Paul wrote 1 Timothy) so that Paul was offering a corrective for that cultural context alone, but not ours.”

In 1 Timothy, Paul is writing to Timothy in order to address problems that were occurring in the Ephesian church.  In his letters to the churches Paul was addressing the problems that each church faced; some problems overlapped and other problems were more prevalent in certain areas. However, 1 Timothy was not meant only for Christians in Ephesus. Paul is writing to communicate God's word to all Christians at all times. This is evidenced by us reading it today in Scripture. 1 Timothy is necessarily addressed to us because it was included in the canon of Scripture after the new covenant had been established. If this letter was only useful to the Ephesian church during this time period, then the Ephesian church would have received Paul's letter and it would have addressed the problems that were supposedly unique to Ephesus. That would have been the end of the use of 1 Timothy. In 1Timothy, Paul confirms that his letter is to all Christians everywhere,

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.”

(1 Timothy 2:1-6).

We see here and in other letters throughout Scripture that these letters (that would later be compiled into Scripture) are for all Christians everywhere. This is also stated in 1 Corinthians, in Paul’s letter to the Corinthian Church. He is discussing how a church should operate. Paul is very clear in his writings. I will leave the passage below so you can read it.

“For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and all be encouraged, and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets. For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.

As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church. Or was it from you that the word of God came? Or are you the only ones it has reached?  If anyone thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord. If anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized. So, my brothers, earnestly desire to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues.  But all things should be done decently and in order.”

1 Corinthians 14:31-40 (ESV)

Paul is writing to the Corinthian church here, and clearly says, “As in all the churches of the Saints.” His message is geared towards the church as a whole, and he is giving instructions for how a church needs to operate. Paul says, “God is not the author of confusion, but peace” and he also writes, “But all things should be done decently and in order.” This passage goes so far to say that, “if there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands.” This is teaching women to be more dependent on their husbands, and take on more of a submissive role. It is another way to uplift our husbands and help them to be the leader they need to be.

Scripture is very clear.

Before you start reading this portion I would encourage you to get out your bible and to read Genesis chapter 2 and chapter 3. Now that we have the full context of these chapters we start to understand Paul's appeal to Genesis more clearly. God gave the instructions regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to Adam (Genesis 2:16-17). It was Adam's job to teach his wife about the commands that God gave. In Genesis chapter 3, we see the fall. Satan does not come to Adam first instead he tempts Eve. Already in the second chapter of the bible Satan is showing his craftiness and willingness to use strategy to corrupt God’s creation.

Satan says to Eve, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”(Genesis 3:1). Satan here is attacking the weaker vessel Eve. (1 Peter 3:7)

“Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.”

1 Peter 3:7

He distorts God's word in order to make her question the truth of God's Word. She says to Satan “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.” (Genesis 3:2-3). Eve goes past what God says and includes not even touching the fruit. She already has a flawed view of God's Word and so leads the world into sin and corruption. Adam follows his wife and her instruction leading to his fall as well (Genesis 3:6-7). Trent Hunter explains that Paul utilizes not an argument from culture but an appeal to the creation and fall account “Paul, however, roots his argument not in culture but in creation; he grounds his prohibition by saying, “For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor” (1 Tim. 2:13, 14). By grounding his argument in creation, Paul’s argument cannot be bound to the first-century, but rather it applies to all men and women across cultures”.

While this blog post is not meant to be comprehensive, I tried to clarify some of the confusion surrounding this topic. I wanted to delve into some of the cultural motivations behind the push for women to hold pastoral roles. However, I didn't want to stray too far from our topic. We are all Christians here, we want to hear an argument from scripture! These cultural trends materialize in many ways at different times but the motivation is always the same. The motivation is to disrupt God's created order. Whether it is the widows who were teaching false doctrine in the community at Ephesus or the cultural Marxists who call for the dismantling of the family and all perceived barriers in the way of equity the target is always God's created order. Woman are responsible for teaching other young women and raising up the next generation in the Word of God. That is a very big role. We have seen failure to do this in our society today, and we are paying a huge price. Raise your children in the Word of God and find other young women to mentor and counsel. It is a role that should not be taken lightly and I see it as a blessing and honor to be tasked with this.


Leave a comment and let us know what you think about this perspective.


Hunter, Trent. “Poking Holes in the Egalitarian Beachball: Seven Arguments against Female Pastors.” Christ Over All, 1 Mar. 2023, christoverall.com/article/longform/poking-holes-in-the-egalitarian-beachball-seven-arguments-against-female-pastors/. Accessed 31 Aug. 2024. 

“Does the Bible Permit a Woman to Preach?” Grace to You, 3 Nov. 2019, www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/81-56/does-the-bible-permit-a-woman-to-preach. Accessed 01 Sep. 2024. 

“What Is the Difference between Pastors, Elders, and Overseers?” Ligonier Ministries, www.ligonier.org/podcasts/ask-ligonier/what-is-the-difference-between-pastors-elders-and-overseers. Accessed 31 Aug. 2024. 

Trebilco, Paul R. The Early Christians in Ephesus from Paul to Ignatius. Mohr Siebeck, 2004. 514 - 515

Hinn, Costi. “Is It Biblical for Women to Be Pastors or Elders?” For the Gospel, 29 Nov. 2021, www.forthegospel.org/read/is-it-biblical-for-women-to-be-pastors-or-elders. Accessed 01 Sept. 2024. 

“God’s High Call for Women.” Grace to You, 18 Aug. 2016, www.gty.org/library/articles/A168/gods-high-call-for-women. Accessed 02 Sept. 2024. 

I encourage you ladies who are truly wanting to study this more to listen to this sermon below.

John MacArthur Video

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Biblical Womanhood, Controversial Young CC Wives . Biblical Womanhood, Controversial Young CC Wives .

What if I’m Not a “Trad” Wife?

What if I am not a "trad" wife? We are constantly shown on social media the "trad wife" trend. Sometimes, seeing this over and over again can be discouraging because.... we all do not wear dresses or milk cows. This new trend has the tendency to create this false narrative and we feel we have to meet this standard set by trends and society. Click here to read more.

This post is written by Audrey Durden.

I LOVE what the trad wife trend has brought us. Western women need to know that not only is it okay to want more traditional values, but it’s achievable to live in the world we do today and also hold fast to Biblical principles for marriage and family. I am a HUGE fan of slow and conscious living, making sure there is purpose and intentionality behind the way you spend your time and who you place yourself around. I feel that a large pro of the trad wife movement is bringing this type of deliberate living back to the forefront of our minds and society at large.

A drawback I see coming from the trad trend is the pressure it puts on women to have a curated, aesthetic life. These influencers who are dominating our FY Pages have a beautiful home that is flawlessly maintained, their sourdough always has the most thorough design with the perfect amount of flour spilling onto their lovely butcher block clock countertop. This portrayal is a very singular and restrictive view in its demonstration of what a traditional life looks like. 

While this beautiful aesthetic is very attractive to some people, it might not be attainable (or even wanted) by the majority of couples and families. If you are anything like me, milking a goat at 7 am just isn't something you enjoy doing every day (goat milking is a skill I have, thanks to growing up in the country, and is not an experience I enjoy). Maybe baking is not one of your passions, or growing your own produce is your dream but not something feasible for you, that's alright. This and any other reason do not exclude me or any other woman from being a traditional wife. Though it might make me less popular if I posted about my “trad’ wife life on social media if none of my content was about baking or cows, haha!

Another possibility is that your husband has no desire to live on a farm. I have an experience where an acquaintance wanted a specific lifestyle that her husband wasn't on board with, so this is not attainable for her in the capacity she wanted. Even if this “trad” wife life is a dream you have, it's likely not possible to uproot your life, purchase and possibly renovate a farmhouse, acquire farm animals, homeschool your children, and make a decent living as a farmer. As an added reason that this lifestyle is not something we all need to have, some of us are called to do mission work where we are, not where we could be. 

Maybe you or your husband have a great community with good jobs that provide well and it isn't realistic for you to stay at home full time. That is the circumstance for so many in this economy. We know God can use any and every situation for the furtherance of His kingdom. We are called to be a light right where we are! You and/or your husband can reach people with the Gospel in your current roles/jobs (as mine does with his job). We have to remember that our lives have been graciously given to us by our Savior, who can use us every day in the capacity we have add to the citizens of heaven. 

Remember “trad” stands for traditional. When we adhere to the Biblical standards for our marriage and family, we are being a trad wife. It's so much less about the aesthetics and so much more about following the Biblical outline we see in scripture and allowing God to work in our lives however He sees fit! Maybe that is through your 9-5, raising your children in the Word, being a dependable friend, through your platform on social media, working on your farm, or simply through a conversation at the grocery store. Our lives, no matter the aesthetic, can mirror God’s love every day. 

Smile at the beautiful dresses, gorgeous make-from-scratch meals, and all those cute farm animals, and be thankful that we serve a God who does not care about trends.

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bible, Lifestyle Young CC Wives . bible, Lifestyle Young CC Wives .

How To Enhance Your Quiet Time:

As wives, we get busy...let's face it. However, we need our quiet time with the Lord. Have you ever just opened your Bible and stared? Have you ever just felt you did not even know where to begin or how? This post by Ashley H. will give you some methods to help you study Scripture better. She also has recommended some resources for you all as well.

This post is written by Ashley H . Ashley mentions 2 helpful methods she uses to study and learn more about God’s Word. She also links some book recommendations and links to other websites that can help you learn even more!

What methods do you use to study Scripture? Do you have a method? If not, try Ashley’s method!

As believers, we all know how important spending time in the word is and how that helps our knowledge of Christ grow as well as our relationship with him. While in college, I was apart of a Christian ministry called Campus Outreach. I learned so many things about studying scripture, prayer, scripture memorization and more. I wanted to take some time to share some things I found very helpful when it comes to studying scripture. These aren’t things that Campus Outreach created, they just simply shared these with us as resources to help us while studying scripture. By studying scripture, we get a greater depth of knowledge, we remember more and we are able to grow in our convictions. The goal of studying the bible is to understand God’s intended meaning, not our own. The Bible is about God, not us.

Inductive Method

This method has been incredibly helpful for me and it’s something I still use today. This has helped me to better understand context, dive deeper and apply the scripture to my life. This method uses 3 different things: Observation, Interpretation and Application. This is intended to be used with smaller amounts of scripture. Typically 4-6 verses but you aren’t limited to that. This method works in a way that goes from specific to broad.


This is where you look at what the text says at face value. You should spend time dissecting the text. Look at the key connecting words in the sentences such as therefore, for, but, and. Look at who and what the pronouns are referring to and look at the subject of the text. See if there are any words you aren’t sure of the meaning and write them down. As you read, if you have questions about the text, write those down.

Some questions to ask during observation:

-Who is the author?

-Who is the audience?

-What is happening?

-Where is it happening?

-What is being communicated in the scripture?

-Are there any repeated words/phrases?

Would you describe the verses as a command, caution, comparison (like or as / Proverbs 25:26), contrast (but), covenant, cause and effect (Romans 6:23, John 3:16) and controversy?

Try to rewrite the main point of the verses using your own words. During observation, this is simply for you to read the text and take note of what you see…for you to simply observe.


This is where you are seeking to determine the meaning of what the scripture is saying. Interpretation is usually where you will spend most of your time. Knowing the context of the passage helps you to understand the author’s intended meaning. You may need to look at the verses before and afterwards to get a better understanding of the context. Spend time looking at the purpose of these verses. Ask yourself why. Why did the author choose those specific words, why was it said that way or said at all. Look at the culture of the time the verses are written. Now is when you can look through some of the questions you wrote down or thought about from your time in observation. Look at the repeated words and phrases and look at how you described the verses. Using cross references is helpful because scripture interprets scripture. Spend time looking at other verses that use the same phrases, words, places or ideas. This can help you to understand the verses you are studying more. This is where you can look up definitions of words or look into the history of what was happening when the scripture was written. It’s important to let scripture interpret scripture.


James 1:19-25

This is where you spend time seeing how this scripture does or doesn’t apply itself to your

life. Why should we apply the word of God? For the goodness of our souls forever and for

the goodness of our souls now (Genesis 2:16-17 / Luke 11:28).

Here are some practical ways you can do this:

Prayer: Spend time praying for the Lord to open your heart to what the scripture is saying

and for your heart to change if it is hardened and that he would make it soft and moldable.

Measurable: When thinking of ways this can apply to your life, think of applications that

you can be held accountable to. State a specific change you want to implement where you

need help. This is a way you can ask a friend or mentor to come alongside you and help.

Achievable: These applications should be practical, doable but also be a step of faith

where you are trusting the Lord to do the work in you. Write down how you plan to

accomplish achieving the application you have set.

Timely: Think of applications that can be done in the coming days or weeks.


SPECK is another helpful way to study scripture. I find this one to be helpful when I may

not have as much time to dedicate to scripture. You may not be able to answer every letter

but it helps you to do a deeper dive into the passage you are reading.

Sin to avoid

Promise to claim

Example to follow

Command to obey

Knowledge about God

“Let God use this tool in your life; this is not a self-effort project. Have confidence that

God is conforming you to Christ’s image and He will complete what He has started”

Helpful Resources

Blue Letter Bible app: This has different translations of the bible, commentaries, help

with cross references and more.

Desiring God: This website has many articles, books, and podcast episodes that are great

resources on studying scripture.

Bible Recap: This can be a great podcast resource for people who need to listen to

scripture and have a nice recap of what they read.


Knowing Scripture by R.C Sproul

Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin

How to get the most from God’s word by John MacArthur

Read this first by Gary Millar

Helpful Articles:






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Controversial, Holidays Young CC Wives . Controversial, Holidays Young CC Wives .

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Should Christians celebrate Halloween? This is a commonly asked question within the Christian community. Click here to get an idea of Halloween's roots and how it has made its way to America.

This question has been asked so many times in our Facebook group. With Halloween coming up, I figured this would be a good topic to discuss! Why do we glorify a holiday set aside for evil? Many ladies have different opinions on this. In this post, I will break down the history of Halloween, what it was intended for, and how we can honor the Lord on a holiday like Halloween. Reality is, you ladies have to decide for yourself what is best for your families. I personally believe Halloween is another conviction based topic-meaning that it can be different for everyone. However, in this post I will only be providing you all with information, and you ladies are free to do with it what you will! Spend time in prayer about it and see what you feel the Lord is leading you to do on this specifically.

The History

Halloween was previously known as the pagan Festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-win) put on by the Celtic tribe. Samhain means “summer's end” and was a festival held at the end of summer welcoming the end of harvest. The Celtic people were tribes of an Indo-European descent. They believed there was one day a year where the spirit realm met with the material world which was typically at the end of the harvest time. Meaning, they believed spirits would rise from their graves and be able to walk amongst the living and this was caused by Samhain-lord of spirits and evil.

On the day where the spirit realms met ours, the Celts would dress up as evil spirits and light a huge bonfire. The Celtic tribe joined the Druid Priests during the festival (Druids were Celtic Priests, teachers, or even Judges) to light a community fire and dance around in scary costumes in hopes to ward off evil. The Celtic tribe would sacrifice cattle on this day to appease Samhain. Samhain was lord of spirits and Celtics believed he would send evil spirits to attack them. This is why they would dress themselves as spirits in hopes of being mistaken as an evil spirit themselves. They would dress as some of their own monsters mentioned in Celtic mythology such as a headless woman with a pig, a shape-shifting monster, and even headless men on horses. You can read this HERE.

After a few centuries, the Samhain holiday continued and these pagan traditions eventually melded with Christianity. Pope Boniface dedicated the Pantheon in Rome to the Virgin Mary and that is where All Saints Day originated and was originally celebrated on May 13, 609. Two centuries on, Pope Gregory the III decided to change the date of All Saints Day to November 1st and All Souls Day on November 2nd as an alternative and instead tried to make Samhain a Christian holiday.

 Christianity was gaining much popularity and Samhain was a pagan festival that did not mesh well with Christianity. While Pope Gregory’s attempt to weed out the pagan worship was strong… he did not succeed. All Hallows Eve began to be celebrated on October 31 and the Samhain practices along with it. These traditions continued throughout Europe and were brought over along with Irish immigrants as they made their way to America. This is a broad overview of how Halloween came to modern America.

The Halloween traditions we know today like pumpkin carving come from pagan roots.

Pumpkin carving originates from a myth involving a man named Stingy Jack and the Devil. This myth originated in Ireland and Scotland. In short, Jack and the Devil were having drinks and Stingy Jack would not pay for his own. He convinced the devil to turn himself into a coin so Jack could pay for his drink. Jack instead took the coin and placed it into his pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the devil from changing back into his original form. In summary, after Jack dies, the devil will not allow him into hell. The devil banished him to wander the earth forever and gave him one burning coal to light the way. Jack placed this in a carved out turnip. In the same way that the Celtic tribes built fires and dressed up to ward off evil sprits. Jack O’ lanterns were thought to posses the power to ward off evil sprits.

You can read more on this HERE.

Another connection: 

Wicca is rising in America and has very similar practices as the Samhain Festival. Wicca is practiced by witches and it is gaining popularity in America more today. There are many similarities between Wicca and the Samhain pagan rituals.

Our pastor always says, “There is nothing new under the sun.” He is 100% correct. These pagan religious practices and beliefs are still with us today. Everything seems to make its way back around one way or another. 

Another fun fact, have you ever seen people wear shirts that say “Happy Reformation Day” on Halloween? 

This is the day that Martin Luther decided to nail on the Wittenberg church door his well known 95 Theses. This was a protest against the corruption within the Roman Catholic Church. Luther posted his complaints on or around October 31st. Many Christians celebrate reformation day as an alternative to celebrating Halloween.

You can read more about Luther HERE.


Celebrating Halloween is something you will have to decide for yourself. Personally, I do not celebrate Halloween. I do not purchase decorations or participate in dressing up. I also do not participate in going to haunted houses or anything of the sort. 

As Christians, we should not want to participate in pagan religious activities. We should focus on honoring Christ and glorifying Him through our actions.

when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;  to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
— Ephesians 4:21-24 (NIV)

When we participate in pagan traditions like dressing up for Halloween we are sometimes unwittingly apart of something that is idolatrous. Is dressing up as a demonic figure helping you grow closer to the Lord? What if it is your child? 

We should want to protect our children from evil. By allowing your child to go trick or treating, we are normalizing pagan traditions.

I remember as a child going and walking past people on the sidewalk with my little candy bag. Dressed as a little princess and strutting my stuff, I only cared about the candy I was about to get. However, I remember being terrified of the people walking past me with the horrendous masks on and fake murder weapons. After all, I thought it was something fun, so why did everyone try to scare me or look as if they wanted to hurt me? As a child, it made no sense. The more my parents grew in their walk with the Lord the less we participated in the “Trick or Treat”. They had certain convictions on Halloween, and I am thankful. 

Children are innocent and just enjoy the idea of getting to play dress up and getting loads of candy. Girls love to be a princess for day and boys love to be a superhero. When things begin to involve our children more, we need to be even more careful. Maybe as a compromise…just let them dress up whenever they want to at home and even participate with them! Get them some candy every so often as another compromise. 


Churches will get the congregation together to help in fall festivals every year and have fun games for the children to play. Many Christians wonder if participating in these types of events, is supporting the pagan holiday.

I believe there is a difference. These games usually always have Scripture involved in some shape of form. Trunk or Treat is another option churches will do. Rather than having a bunch of random trunks decorated with no meaning, my old church does Drive Through the Bible. Each trunk has a Bible scene and makes it entertaining for the kids and even the parents sometimes. It is another way to present the Gospel to people who may not have ever heard it. 

God can take anything Satan meant for evil and turn it into something good. Halloween is a great day to witness and share the Gospel to a lot of lost souls. While you don’t have to dress up as something scary, you can still canvas your neighborhood.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.
— Genesis 50:20 (NLT)

Ideas of Compromise: 

  • Giving kids Gospel Tracts with the candy

  • Giving people little booklets on the origin of Halloween (HERE)

  • Canvassing your neighborhood and trying to build relationships and talk to people about the Gospel

  • Suggest your church do something like Drive Through the Bible


While this is again, a conviction based topic… It is important to know the origin of holidays and why we celebrate them. Knowing the facts of something is huge. If you are struggling with celebrating Halloween or letting your child participate, pray on it some more. Read up on the history and do a deep dive into it. Refer to Scripture and if you do not have any convictions about it, then celebrate it. However, if you do have convictions… then maybe take a step back and look at some of the areas to compromise in. With all that being said, can you have fall items like leaves, pumpkins, and cute decorations? ABSOLUTELY! Autumn is a season, and that is different than decorating your home glorifying pagan traditions.


Sources : 

Quotes Sources:

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Theology Thursday Young CC Wives . Theology Thursday Young CC Wives .

Women in Leadership-Part 1

Should women be in leadership? This is a hot topic in the Christian community right now. This post starts the new series of Theology Thursdays. This is a 2 part series and we will be posting on both sides of this topic. Please check back Next Thursday for the opposing side.

This post will start our new series, Theology Thursdays. We will be posting on a controversial topic and stating our opinions on the topic. Women in Leadership is something that the creators of CCW, have differing opinions on. This topic is also something a lot of ladies within the Christian community have differing opinions on as well.

You will hear Audrey’s side today of why she believes women can be in leadership, and mine (Isabel) next Thursday as to why women should not be in leadership.

We do ask that you not attack the poster but rather urge you to dig into Scripture to find answers and comment them below. Feel free to share this blog post with others with your opinion added. The authors of these post will not be engaging in the debates, but you are welcome to have a healthy debate with others. This new series is not to cause division, but to urge you ladies to dig into the Word of God. Audrey and I are not teachers, and these are just our opinions/convictions after reading Scripture and the conclusions we came to through much prayer.

I want to remind you all of our mission statement:

Encouraging wives to store up God’s Word in their hearts, to understand more of who He is, and to exemplify Christ in their daily lives.

What better way to do that then to push you ladies to study the Word of God and know what you believe and why. The goal for these posts is not to argue or cause division, but to encourage you ladies to store up God’s Word in your heart.

-If you do not agree, please be kind and comment why giving Scripture to support your thought.

-If you agree, state why and continue to give Scripture to support your stance.

Again, check back Next Thursday to see the opposing side.

Why Women Can Hold Roles of Authority in the Church According to Scripture 

By Audrey Durden

In this post, I will lay out the reasons I believe, according to scripture, that women can hold roles of authority in the church. I'll also be speaking about why I believe pastoring a church should be a role that should be taken on by both husband and wife. 

I'd like to give a disclaimer: I am not here to convince anyone I am right. I simply want to share my point of view as a way to encourage women to dig into scripture and decide for themselves, through studying, praying, and teaching what is the will of God.

Before you begin reading, I encourage you to set aside all the preconceived notions you may have from your childhood, church background, or possibly your family. Come into this discussion not defensive in your heart, but open and willing to learn. I know for a long time I held many beliefs because they were the ideals I grew up hearing. I held my parent's convictions and beliefs because I was scared to open scripture with a humble and teachable heart and let the Holy Spirit lead me. If at the end of this discussion, you take time to pray, read, and learn and your views have not changed, there is nothing wrong with that, stand firm in what the Holy Spirit is doing in your life. Hold firm to the conviction that has been laid on your heart. But, if at the end of this discussion, you feel confused and like you need more clarification, I pray you lean into that! Study, pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and speak to you regarding this topic.

My sincere prayer is that this topic encourages you to dive deeper into the Word of God, and get to know our Savior and friend better!

Many Christians have very polarizing views on women in leadership. We typically see them saying things like “The Bible is so clear on women in leadership, women are to hold no authority over a man!”. And while I recognize this is a very popular and “safe” view of the Word, I don't think it's as simple as people want to make it out to be.

There is a passage that I have seen used to argue that women have no place in leadership, 1 Timothy 2:10-12, “Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” 

‭‭What we are seeing in 1 Timothy 2:10-12 is similar to what we see Paul telling the Corinthian church to do in 1 Corinthians 11:5.“but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head since it is the same as if her head were shaven.”‭ (This might be something else we disagree on, and that's okay). Just as covering the head was a command to humble the women of Corinth, so was the command to be silent in church for the Ephesians. Though I believe this isn't an absolute command for the church as a whole, I do believe all scripture is profitable, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” This means this command to the Church of Ephesus is something we can all learn from and may also feel convicted of. 

In 1 Timothy where we see Paul telling the women to be silent, he is writing to Timothy who is currently in Ephesus at the church there (also known as the Church of Mary or Church of St. Mary). But through some history about the Ephesians, I think it might make more sense why I believe this isn't an absolute command.

Ephesus was a city drenched in goddess worship long before any Christians were around. A city centered around Greek mythology, and boy was its “history” proof they loved mythology. It was said that Ephesus was first found prehistorically by warrior Amazon women who were priestesses with Hittie roots. The city was first named Apasas (meaning queen bee), after the Amazon queen. 

The second founding came at about 1050 B.C. And the story goes that Androculs was told by an Orcial named Delphi where to found his new city. Which according to legend, was the same place the Amazon women landed.  After the second founding, it came in and out of rule by many different people and even had a venue change, haha, they moved the whole city!

Anyway, Ephesus was built around the worship of the Anatolian mother goddess of Fertility, Cybele. And for good measure threw in a few more goddesses from other people's belief systems. They centered their city around the Temple of Artemis. In its original structure, they had statues of goddesses inside where people could come and worship. This is where we get the Temple of Artemis from, one of the seven wonders of the world! Artemis, also known as Zeus’s daughter, was the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and childbirth. 

These goddesses were often depicted naked and were praised and worshiped for their outwardly strong appearance, sexual nature, and gaudy attitudes. There would be extravagant festivals to praise the goddesses, in which people would get intoxicated and hold exhibitions of sexual immorality. Can you imagine growing up in an environment where all of this was normalized?  It would make sense that the women raised in this overtly haughty behavior would display it in their own lives… 

We see Paul is giving specific and needed guidelines to each church what they need. This is seen in the letters to the Church of Corinth when Paul was explaining love to them! I'm not going to go into depth about the Church of Corinth, but they were far worse when it came to sexual immorality. They were participating in the region's cult activity and becoming very comfortable with prostitution. We see Paul's letters reflect this, he tells them what true love is and what a marriage should look like. Again, Paul teaches each church what they need, and all can apply to us in a spiritual and physical sense without being a doctrine that would exclude us from living in God’s will if not followed. 

Another very important note to make, women weren't allowed to read or study any of the Torah. If women were not allowed to read or study the Torah and they were trying to teach… a recipe for disaster!!! So of course they shouldn't be allowed to speak, 1) If they tried to teach, they would have no scriptural foundation to stand on. 2) They would be interrupting service by asking questions that their husbands would know the answer to. Very understandably, the women of Ephesus needed some very strict, hard, and fast rules to keep them in alignment. “the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak but should be in submission, as the Law also says.” ‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14‬:‭34‬

‭We see through studying the history of Ephesus, that women were glorified in a godly manner because of their Greek ties to goddess worship. This led to a haughty and self-inflated female population in the church. Coupled with the fact that women were not allowed to study scripture, it is clear why they were given this command. Women in Ephesus and Corinth needed to be reminded that they had to come into the church with a humble heart and be willing to be taught by the more experienced followers of Jesus. When these women became an issue, Paul had to give them a more physical reminder. Just as the Israelites needed judges as a reminder they were under submission to God. 

I also want to touch on how we as the church today should model what we see in scripture. Women were spoken about by Paul in his correspondents, and even mentions Priscilla helping teach and correct Apollos with her husband; “He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭18‬:‭26‬ 

We see Phoebe as a deaconess, “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae,” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭16‬:‭1‬

We see Chloe, who most likely had a church in her home, “For it has been reported to me by Chloe’s people that there is quarreling among you, my brothers.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭11‬

If you take a stance against women leading in the church, where does it say “in church women can ONLY lead other women and children”, it doesn't. You draw that conclusion from reading. Just as one can conclude these commands were for Ephesian and Corinthian churches. Quickly I’d like to add, at what age would we say boys would be men? If women cannot teach their sons past 13, that also proves to be a problem. 

Continuing, most congregations have a female leading part of the church, and I don't think they have to try to justify it by saying women can lead children, or women can teach other women. They can feel confident knowing that women can also be in leadership because nothing is preventing them. We also see that during Pentecost the Spirit was poured out on both men and women alike as seen in this verse “And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭

Because Scripture is how we should model our lives and churches, a sole female pastor wouldn't be something I support. Never in scripture do we see a woman solely lead a church congregation? What we do see in scripture is Paul telling us how to be the healthiest body of Christ. We can see that modeled by Prisca and Aquilla leading their church in their home together. I believe most pastoral roles should be filled by a couple who both lead and take care of their flock together. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭24‬ 

A lot of women point to Deborah to say that women can be in leadership, and while I agree, this takes place in the Old Testament. Because we don't have judges around anymore, I don't like using this as a reference. I will say, that she was amazing and truly stepped up to take on what I know was an unpopular role when she was needed! We can all learn from her.

In closing, I argue this,  can a well-studied, well-versed, humble woman make a valuable contribution to both men and women? 

My answer is yes. 

“I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae, that you may welcome her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints, and help her in whatever she may need from you, for she has been a patron of many and of myself as well.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭16‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ 

Audrey Durden

Again, feel free to comment your stance but be kind. We are all learning and growing in Christ.

Check back next week to see why women should not be in leadership roles- PART 2

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Lifestyle Young CC Wives . Lifestyle Young CC Wives .

5 Things To Do With Your Wedding Dress…

Is your wedding dress still hanging in your closet? Now, it is time to do something with it! Click here to see 5 ways to re-purpose it! These ideas were all taken from CC Wives!

Most of us got married in a beautiful wedding gown, which is great! We get to have our princess moment for a day, but after it is all over… what do we do with the dress? Reality is (mine included), you have it hanging up in your closet collecting dust. You may have considered the idea of selling it, but you can’t possibly do that because it was YOUR dress. Selling it is not an option.. right? It still has sentimental meaning to you! In this post, I am going to give you five ideas as to what to do with the wedding dress that is hanging in your closet!

#1- Getting Ready Robes

This is a nice way to keep your wedding dress in the family! You can have these robe made for your daughters or son’s wife for her to wear on her special day! It is made from your dress and is a beautiful way to keep the “something borrowed” tradition alive! You can take the dress to a trusted seamstress to have this done! This is a special way to keep your wedding dress in the family!

#2-Baby Photos

If you have a little one-especially a newborn, this is a great photo prop! You can lay your baby on top of the dress while they are sleeping/whatever position you prefer! Snap some super cute photos and maybe bring the dress out monthly to get more! It is a great way to include something meaningful with your precious little one.

Like this but your dress...not a blanket! 

#3- Burial Clothing for Babies

This is a tough one, but there are many women who lose their precious little ones too soon. Burial clothing is something they need and it is typically made from wedding dresses that people have donated. While it is something that seems sad, your dress is going to make many beautiful burial gowns for these sweet babies. This will be something their parents treasure and will always remember. Maybe before you donate it, pray over your dress and for the families who receive the burial gowns from it. Pray for strength and peace. You may even be able to write them a sweet note to go with it. This is truly something so meaningful and while it is tragic, it is a beautiful way to honor these sweet babies.

#4- Preservation

There are many places that will box your dress beautifully and preserve it for you! It will stay clean and it will be on display for you to look at on occasion! This is a good way to keep it in good condition if you want to use it later for your baby photos, donation, or even selling. Wedding dress preservation keeps everything beautiful and it is usually packaged in a cute box!

#5-Saving it For Your Daughter

Last but not least, we have saving it for your sweet daughter! While some young ladies want their own look, some would love to have their mother’s wedding gown as an option! They can also have it made into a gown that may fit their personality more or have it made into a reception gown. I think your daughter would love to have this as an option. This is why a lot of people will preserve their wedding gowns! They want to save them for their daughters when they are ready to be married! This is such a fun way to keep the dress in the family and start a new tradition!

So, what do you plan to do with your dress? Is it sitting in your closet? Let us know what you did or want to do with yours in the comments below!


Picture of my dress below just for fun!

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Biblical Womanhood, family Young CC Wives . Biblical Womanhood, family Young CC Wives .

What is a Woman?

What does it mean to be a woman? Is it her biological makeup or her attitude? The way that she dresses and styles her hair or her role in society? Is it only one or all of these things that defines a woman? Or is it something else entirely?

A Brief Look at Womanhood from a Psychological, Biological, and Biblical View

This post was written by Laura B. and we are so excited for you all to read it!

In today’s culture, that question, what is a woman, is not only offensive, but also nearly

unanswerable. What is it that truly defines a woman? Is it her biological makeup (chromosomes,

genitalia, the shape of the pelvic girdle, etc.) or her attitude? The way that she dresses and styles

her hair or her role in society? Is it only one or all of these things that defines a woman? Or is it

something else entirely?

“What is it that truly defines a woman?”

If this question goes unanswered, how can we truly live out our vocation as women when we do not even know what it really means? Thankfully, there is an answer to this question, one provided to us from the Bible.

“Then the Lord God said, ‘it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him’” (Genesis 2:18).

“She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong” (Proverbs 31:17).

“God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns” (Psalm 46:5).

These are just a few verses on what it means to be a woman. Womanhood is a God-ordained role and duty that cannot be taken away. No matter what the world thinks. It is more than how we present ourselves and act, but it is a part of who we are physically and psychologically as well. Male and female were not created to be interchangeable. God created each so that they might fulfill certain duties and roles and that they might work together to be caretakers of the rest of God’s creation.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27).

This verse specifically states that God created male and female, not humans, or people in general, but male and female. Two connected yet separate entities. No matter how hard they try, man cannot become woman, nor can woman become man, just as a cat cannot become a dog.

In this age of transgenderism, feminism, and the entire LGBTQ+ movement, it is easy to

see how the world has moved away from the original intent of men and women as ordained by

God himself. Our society has lost what it truly means to be a woman. Many of the people around

us think that being female is a choice that can be made and changed at will. But that is not how it

was intended to work, nor is that truly possible. Clinicians today use the terms sex and gender as

two different things. Sex is used when referring to the physical attributes of a person as

designated at or before birth, whereas gender is used to refer to the socially constructed roles and

internal sense of being of a person. Scientists and doctors have been trying to find new and

improved ways of changing a person’s sex to match their chosen gender. Medical interventions

such as hormone replacement therapy and surgical procedures are used to attempt to change a

person’s appearance and biological makeup to better match their chosen gender. But even those

can only go so far to reverse God’s work, and in some cases these attempts are an almost perfect

reversal of God’s ordered creation. The first ever complete female-to-male facial masculinization

surgery performed by Jordan C. Deschamps-Braly used a new surgical technique that created the

appearance of an Adam’s apple by using cartilage from a rib, the very bone that God took from

Adam, the first man, to create the first woman, Eve (Deschamps-Braly et al., 2016). Of all 206

bones in the human body, the type that they chose was the rib, a perfect and ironically poetical

reversal of God’s creation. Such an action could not be simply a coincidence, but could very

easily be God Himself trying to highlight the ludicracy of these attempts to undo what He has


Beyond the physicality of the women, there is also the psychological aspect of them as

well. God created women to be the nurturers and caregivers of His creation. While that is not to

say that men cannot be caregivers or nurturing, but women are more inclined to it, just as men

are more inclined to take upon roles of providing and protecting (Proverbs 30:10-31, Titus 2:5,

Richard, 2023). An article published in August of 2023 states that men make up nearly 18% of

stay-at-home parents in America (O’Connell-Domenech, 2023). The article talks about how

America is progressing and the gap between men and women as caretakers is shrinking. And yet

that gap is still there. Even now, with all the perversion and changes to God’s ordained order,

women are still following the basic instinct to care for those around them.

“So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander” (1 Timothy 5:14).

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

Two entities, both created in God’s glorious image.

Our sinful nature can make it seem restricting or binding to have to be one or the other as God

has ordained. But it also gives a sense of purpose and meaning in a drifting and changing world.

God has made us to be women. When creating you he decided that the world needed another

woman. Another creature made in His image to adorn herself in His glory and proudly take upon

the role of Biblical womanhood. The gender that God gave to us is not a restricting box, but a

beautiful guide of what our place in the world is.

So what is a woman? Is it the biology that builds her? Is it the psychological pathways

that run her? Or is it the Biblical path that leads her? It is all of that and more. A woman is a

glittering jewel in the crown of God’s creation. She is the gentle hand by which God nurtures His

people. She is the beautiful vessel by which God brings new human life into the world. So stand

tall in your womanhood and be proud in the role that God has given to you.


Deschamps-Braly, J.C., Sacher, C.L., Fick, J., Ousterhout, D.K. (2016) First female-to-male

facial confirmation surgery with descrption of a new procedure for masculinization of the

thyroid cartilage (Adam’s Apple). Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal.



O’Connell-Domenech, A. (2023, August) Nearly 1 in 5 stay-at-home parents in the U.S. are

dads. Changing America.




Richard, A. Christ and the Church: A thirty-day devotion concerning the Holy Estate of

Marriage (2nd Edition). Independently published. 2023

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by

Crossway Bibles.

Let us know what you think about this post below! What does it mean to be a woman to you?

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parenting, children, birth, family Young CC Wives . parenting, children, birth, family Young CC Wives .

Embracing Parenthood- A Journey of Purpose:

Want to learn how to embrace parenthood in today’s society? While it can be tough to embrace parenting at times, Scripture is very clear on parenting and children. Click here to read this post, written by a CC Wife!

This CC Wife has chosen to remain anonymous. Let us know your thoughts on this post in the comments.

"If you include your babies, they might slow you down, but maybe that's the point.”

-Andi Eigenmann

In the fast-paced rhythm of modern life, it's easy to view parenthood as a detour from our ambitions or a speed bump on the road to personal achievements. Yet, perhaps there's a deeper truth to be found in the slowdown that children bring into our lives—a truth rooted in purpose and divine intention.

Scripture Reflection:

"Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them."

- Psalm 127:3-5a (NIV)

In these verses, we are reminded that children are not merely a biological phenomenon or a hindrance to our plans. They are a gift—an inheritance bestowed by God Himself. Like arrows fashioned by a skilled archer, children are entrusted to us to be nurtured, guided, and sent forth into the world with purpose.

"But Jesus called the children to him and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.'"

- Luke 18:16 (NIV)

Jesus, in His teachings, emphasized the importance of children and their innate significance in the Kingdom of God. He saw them not as distractions but as bearers of profound spiritual truths and examples of faith and humility.

Finding Purpose in the Pace:

Parenthood challenges us to recalibrate our priorities and embrace a slower, more intentional pace of life. While it may seem that children slow us down in our pursuits, perhaps they are meant to redirect our focus to what truly matters—the nurturing of relationships, the cultivation of character, and the passing on of faith and values.

Scripture Reflection:

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

- Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)

This verse underscores the importance of intentional parenting—of guiding our children along paths of righteousness and wisdom. It speaks to the enduring impact of our efforts, knowing that investing in our children's spiritual and moral upbringing yields eternal rewards.


As we journey through parenthood, let us embrace the truth that children are not a hindrance to our progress but partners in our purpose. They challenge us to grow in patience, selflessness, and love—the very qualities that reflect God's heart for His children. May we find joy in the slowdown, knowing that in nurturing the next generation, we participate in God's divine plan for our families and communities.


  • In what ways can I integrate biblical teachings on parenthood (e.g., Psalm 127, Proverbs 22:6) into my daily interactions with my children?

  • How do I currently view parenthood—as a hindrance to personal goals or as a meaningful part of my life journey?

  • What are some specific ways in which my children have influenced my priorities and values?

  • How does being part of a community of other parents (like CCW) support and enhance my journey as a parent?

  • How can I cultivate gratitude for the gift of children in my life, even in challenging moments?

"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward."

- Psalm 127:3 (NASB)


Closing Prayer:

"Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of children and the purpose they bring into our lives. Help us to embrace parenthood with patience, wisdom, and love, reflecting Your heart for family and community. Guide us in raising our children according to Your will, nurturing them in faith and character. May Your presence be felt in our homes as we journey through the joys and challenges of parenting. In Jesus' name, Amen."

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Birth Young CC Wives . Birth Young CC Wives .

Levi Jacob Wilson’s Birth Story:

A CC Wife sharing her birth story and how God was in the midst the entire time. This is a beautiful story! Click here to read!

This post is written by a CC Wife! She has chosen to remain anonymous, but hopes it helps some of you ladies!

My husband and I prayed for a child and the call to becoming a mother was heavy on my heart. I was having some hormonal issues and ovarian cyst and after 9 months, we were blessed to become pregnant. At 4 weeks, I experienced some bleeding and went to the emergency room to be evaluated. To our immense relief and joy, the baby's heartbeat was present and healthy.

When I found out I was pregnant, I began my care with a traditional OB. I did initially get want a home birth but I was active duty Army and there were no providers in my area that offered home births. However, halfway into my second trimester, I felt led to transfer a Birth Center. The prenatal care provided there was exceptional; I felt genuinely cared for and supported. I chose a BC in hopes of having an all-natural, non-medicated birth.

Throughout my pregnancy and birth, I felt the presence of God Jesus Christ guiding and supporting me. My sister came to stay with me the last two weeks of my pregnancy she helped me nest, cleaned and prepared food. I’m so grateful for her help. I went into spontaneous labor and labor the night before my son’s due date. To help pass the time my sister and I went grocery shopping in Walmart and Aldi. I was having contractions in the aisle and was starting to get excited at the thought of meeting our son soon. I labored at home for two days before heading to the birth center, where I planned to deliver. Labor continued for an additional 22 hours at the center. Although I faced some challenges, such as interventions like a Foley bulb and having my midwife break my waters, I was grateful for the care I received. I labored to 7 cm, doing many circuits of spinning babies exercises as my son was not on my cervix and was OP. I tried the birth tub but it wasn’t as relaxing as I’d hoped it to be.

My doula's support was invaluable; she applied counter pressure for every contraction, easing the discomfort of back labor. We prayed and listened to worship music, which uplifted my spirit and reminded me of God's presence.

Despite my hopes for a natural birth, something didn’t feel right, and God was telling me I needed to transfer. My husband and I arrived at the hospital, and I noticed meconium staining, which added to my concern. However, the intensity of my contractions and my fear decreased upon arrival, a sign of God’s calming hand over us.

At the hospital, they monitored my contractions and recommended an epidural to help me rest and progress. After some time, they suggested Pitocin, but my contractions still did not intensify. Eventually, they recommended a C-section due to my fever and my baby's elevated heart rate. I was in the operating room 15 minutes later, and soon, I heard the first cries of my precious son. Due to the medications and exhaustion I fell asleep while they stitched me back up and my husband did skin to skin while waiting for me. I was so grateful when I woke and was in the recovery station. My son latched right away and nursed beautifully. Being able to breastfed was a prayer answered. 

Although the birth did not go as I had initially planned, I am deeply grateful for the presence of God Jesus Christ throughout the entire journey. His guidance, the support of my husband and doula, and the comfort of praise and worship music helped me through each step. The experience strengthened my faith and reminded me that sometimes, the path we envision may change, but God’s plan is always perfect. After a total of 86 hours in labor, I am blessed beyond measure with my beautiful son and the lessons learned through this journey. My husband and I are so happy the Lord chose us to be parents and we hope to have another child as soon as my body is healed and the Lord willing. My prayers for my next birth are to have a successful VBAC and possibly a home birth.

Verses that helped me through my pregnancy and delivery:

1. Isaiah 41:10:  

   "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

2. Psalm 139:13-14:  

   "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

3. Philippians 4:13:  

   "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

4. Jeremiah 29:11:  

   "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

5. Psalm 46:1:  

   "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."

6. Matthew 11:28:  

   "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

7. Romans 8:28:  

   "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

8. Psalm 23:4:  

   "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

9. 1 Peter 5:7:  

   "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

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