Ginger’s Interview- Back to the Basics:

Ginger has her own business called Back to the Basics 101. The Lord is truly at the center of her business and has shown her so much regarding healthy eating and how we care for our bodies. If you are struggling with healthy eating, auto-immune disorders, heart issues, asthma, etc. this interview is a must read! Ginger shares how God revealed to her that she needed to change her children’s diet, and they were healed from their sickness. This is where it all began for her! If you are new to starting your health journey, Ginger’s story is the best place to start! She sells amazing products that are perfect for introducing “nutrients from the source” into your home!

Ginger on the left

Introduce Yourself, Brand, and you can also briefly share your testimony here too!  

I’m Ginger Butts been married to my hubs, Johnny, for 32 years. Back in 2012, I started my business, “Back to the BASICS 101.” The acronym, BASICS, stands for Brothers and Sisters in Christ’s Service. My mission statement is: When we are Saved, Discipled, and Healthy, we can have the abundant life Jesus talks about in John 10:10. 

Ginger's Family

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."~ John 10:10

When did you start your health journey and how did God reveal that to you?  

My health journey began when my sons were young and had respiratory issues. I was new walking closely to Jesus. Because of my history of addiction, I was not a fan of medication. When I’d take my boys to the doctor, they would treat the symptoms and prescribe medication to address the symptoms. That’s when I began to ask questions like, “What is the root issue?” “What is causing this?” Because I was brought up to not question authority and just accept whatever the “experts” say, it put me way out of my comfort zone asking those questions. I don’t remember the specifics of how it all went down, but I do remember one monumental moment. I was laying across my bed and had my bible open to James 1.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” ~ James 1:5-6

In verse 5, it says, “if you want wisdom to ask and it will be given to you.” But verse 6 says, “...when you ask, you must believe and not doubt.” I put all that I had “out there” and said, “God, I don’t know how this works, but I want wisdom!” I may not have known the story of Jacob when he wrestled with God, but that’s what I picture in the spiritual realm. I was NOT letting go until God gave me wisdom concerning my children’s health. The fierceness of a mama bear had me all in to get answers instead of just accepting what the “experts” said. 

Long story short, much research and praying and listening I went to the doctor armed with my research. After 1.5 hours, my husband and I left and I realized they are not infallible. They are in practice. I felt led to make a radical move. Never heard of the likes of this before with anyone. I changed their diet slowly.  

God healed them! I felt led to take them off their medicine. Was it hard work? You better believe it! But the exhilaration in knowing I was led in an unorthodox way and God proved faithful, pumped me up! I put myself out there by questioning the practices of the experts, not because I’m medically qualified, but because I truly believe the Holy Spirit lives in me and that gives me that resurrection power we sing about in church! 

What were some of the small steps you took to change in relation to health?  

Ha! “Small steps” are not in my DNA. My personality is all in!  But here are some things I did. Mind you this was almost 30 years ago when it wasn’t as accessible or “trending.” 

  • Drove 35 miles one way weekly to organic farm to pick produce and bring it home and process  

  • Stopped all sugar when I learned it feeds disease 

  • No dyes in “food” once I learned dyes are made from petroleum 

  • Brought a grain mill into our home 

Basically, if God made it we ate it. If man made it we didn’t.  

What is a common misconception people have when it comes to food? 

I would say the misconception is in their definition of food. My definition of food is getting as close to God’s Creation as possible to get “Nutrition from the Source.”  

What is Back to the Basics 101? When did you feel the calling to start Back to the Basics 101? What are some other items you sell? 

So time marches on and my boys flew the coop. I’ve always had to supplement our income since I chose to be a SAHM over a civil service career I had before I was married. In 2012, our school system was selected for Feed My School pilot. With this program, one school would feed their children for a week from local farmers. The Nutrition Director for our county went to church with us. She knew I milled grains into flour and my husband grew wheat. She asked me to provide the flour to make yeast rolls. I looked forward to supplementing our income with this opportunity and create large quantity recipes with fresh milled flour.  

I milled my hubby’s wheat with my residential grain mill and went to the schoolhouse armed with fresh milled flour. I baked with the staff and we made light fluffy yeast rolls, cookies, and muffins. That week, everyone experienced delicious whole-wheat products because of fresh milled flour. The “Feed my School” initiative was a success and “birthed” my business, Back to the BASICS 101. 

I knew if our school system bought fresh milled flour that other school systems would also. So I purchased a commercial stone mill to accommodate large school orders. However, schools are not in session during the summer and I needed cash flow to pay start-up costs. Not to be deterred, I went to a Farmers Market with fresh milled flour. Everyone loved the concept of locally grown wheat and fresh milled flour, but the reality was, no one baked. So that’s when I developed Homemade Baking Mixes using our Georgia Grown wheat flour along with other pronounceable ingredients.  


Homemade Baking Mixes were the first product line. Initially, I took the recipes I made for my family and multiplied it to make larger batches. We now have 17 different kinds of Homemade Baking Mixes. 

In 2014, I personally suffered a health crisis. It appeared to be cardiac related. My father died suddenly at the age of 41 of a massive heart attack. I’ve always been “harrassed” by the enemy that that would also be the case for me. After much prayer and research and grounded in many Scriptures for ammunition, I felt led to treat myself nutritionally and went vegan, for lack of a better term. I needed protein and that's when I created the purest form of plant protein with my second product line, Nourished in 5. Five organic seeds milled into a meal that I used in smoothies for 5 years to heal my body of inflammation. And the result was complete healing of my body and the potential cardiac issues.  

A third product line was born when there was a flu rampage. I had an elderberry syrup I used for my family for years. I knew it was effective. When a friend had the flu and I sent her the syrup, she was amazed how well it worked for her. That's when I realized I needed to make it a product so others can benefit from it. Elderberries & More Ultimate Syrup mix was created. I chose to not make it already made as I would have to use a co-packer and wasn't confident in its efficacy versus making a mix that puts the power in the hands of the consumer. When they drop the powerhouse herbs in the hot water, it releases its medicinal properties providing the consumer the peak of potency. It can't help but be effective! 

In 2018, I opened a retail store and commercial kitchen in addition to my wholesale business. I carried the most superior forms of all food in my little country store on our property of over 250 acres. It was a dream. All the foods I ate I was able to prepare and provide for my community. I had all the fermentation with kombucha, water kefir, cultured veggies and coconut kefir. Fermentation is such a gift that needs to be tapped into. I wanted my customers to use the coconut milk kefir. But a lot of them didn't like it by itself. As an avid dipper, I thought I could add ranch seasoning to it and dip away! Everyone loved it. So I created a 4th product line of seasonings: Ranch, Taco, and Italian. All using organic dried herbs. That's it. Nothing extra. Nothing preserved. Just purity and an explosion of taste! 

How are you using this business to glorify and honor the Lord?  

I view my business as a platform to share my testimony of healing through a living God.

I do this in-person when I sample my products in my retailer partners’ stores. 

I do this on our packaging. 

I do this through my website. 

So many different opportunities present themselves for me to share the good news of a living God that cares!! 

What are some of your favorite items and what are some of the most sold items?  

The Elderberries & More Ultimate Syrup kit is our most popular item. It’s truly effective because having the “source” of the herbs and making it into an elixir puts the power in the consumer’s hands. '

Our Elderberries & More Ultimate Syrup Kit is a natural remedy for colds, flu and more.

Here’s why we love it:

  • supports the immune system

  • powerhouse of antioxidants

  • fresh syrup mix delivers medicinal properties at the peak of potency

  • easy to make

Ingredients: Organic Dried Elderberries, Organics Dried Rosehips, Organic Dried Hibiscus, Organic Cinnamon Stick, Organic Whole Cloves

Our whole grain Cheddar Garlic Biscuits are the perfect side at dinner… but they are so good, you’ll want to eat them on your own. Easy to make, these biscuits are a tasty, better-for-you option that will liven up your dinner table.

Makes about 30 drop biscuits.

Our pancakes and waffles mix, made from whole grains, is a great way to start your day. Make breakfast time family time… the only question is, which will it be? Pancakes or waffles?

Makes about 10-12 small pancakes or 3-4 waffles.

What is one thing you wish you could have done differently?  

I love people and I love doing life with people. But I’m not a good “manager” of people. Meaning, I’m not a good “boss” (because I’m a pushover). I wish I had a mentor to guide me to be a good leader to build a team. 

I wish I knew business better. I don’t consider myself a businessperson cause I’m figuring it all out as I go. Again, a mentor to guide me in business decisions.  

How has God used you and your passion so far?  

Such a great question for me to contemplate. We’ve had a lot of loss in our family in the last few years. Last year I considered selling my business. As I was considering that, I put out on social media this question: “What impact has my business had on you as one of my followers?” The number one answer was us producing the elderberry kit. The next biggest response was how my personal involvement has helped others realize that God’s best for us is to nourish our bodies and teaching them ways to do that. The third biggest response was our quality products, “best in the business” as one follower said

How can ladies at CCW be praying for you and your business/ministry? 

Since experiencing loss recently, it’s changed me. I love what I do but there’s so much I want to do. I’m VERY ADD so please pray for me to be focused and know God’s plan concerning the future of my business.

What are some Scriptures that have been a helpful guide and encouragement for you? 

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” God created food is for our good to nourish us. But as a society, our palate's desire what is man-made and we are malnourished.”- Hosea 4:6

 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

~1 Corinthians 6:19-20

 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

~ Ephesians 6:12

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces[a] of this world rather than on Christ.”

~Colossians 2:8

Every viewpoint we have, even regarding food/nourishment, comes from a worldly philosophy or from the Word.   I could go on and on and on. I could write a book. Actually, I probably should lol 

More Back to the Basics -

Note From Isabel:

My mom and Ginger are good friends. I can remember when I was feeling sick, my mom would have me drink some of Ginger’s Elderberry. It truly helped boost my immune system and I usually ended up feeling fine the next day. I remember thinking, there has got to be something to this! Ginger truly has the sweetest heart and truly cares for educating people on diet and nutrition. The Lord has used her so much. A lot of people have no clue what they are putting into their bodies on a daily basis and the effects it has on us. When we go to the doctor, we are told to take medicine… when really it may be something as simple as changing our diet! Ginger has done an excellent job of educating others on this discussion and providing people with real nutrients!

I added some of Ginger’s videos, photo, and links so you can “follow her on the socials!”

Here is a video about Ginger and how it all started. Click the Button below to watch!

Ginger's Store

She has been in the local news many times!


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