Reagan Movie Review

This short review was written by Isabel Bryant

Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan

I recently went to see the movie Reagan, and it was phenomenal. Dennis Quaid stars as Reagan and he does such a wonderful job portraying him. There will be some spoiler’s so maybe do not read this until after you see the film. I tried to leave out some things to keep it a surprise!

Also, the entire audience got up and clapped after the movie, and it was truly an amazing and empowering thing to see.

There are many things I want to note about this movie, so let’s dive in!

The Media

You may be saying to yourself, “I did not even know this movie was in theaters.”

You can blame the media for that. They have been censoring it. Facebook has even admitted to censoring the trailer and advertisements for this movie! They even shut down the official page of the movie twice! (You will never convince me the media is not biased)

If you don’t believe me, click here!

With the media censoring everything, it is hard to know about this movie!

If you are just now hearing about it, I will link the trailer here!

Facts about Ronald Reagan

I never knew much about Ronald Reagan, but I learned a lot. Here were some really neat facts I learned throughout the movie!

  1. His nickname was Dutch

  2. He was married twice

  3. He had a child die young

  4. He was an actor

  5. He got Alzheimer's disease and eventually died from it

  6. Reagan ran for office many times, starting with Governor of California

  7. In the election of 1980, the entire USA almost went red

  8. Reagan was a Lifeguard in his younger years

  9. America was closer to a nuclear war with Russia than people may realize!

  10. He was a Democrat until he ran for political office and switched to a Republican

  11. Reagan loved horses

You may have knew these facts already, but I did not, It was really neat to learn all of these.

The Election Map Results of 1980!


The movie began by showing you how “Dutch” grew up, but his story was being told by Viktor Petrovich, a former KGB agent. Viktor is telling the story of Reagan to an aspiring younger agent. The movie shows how Reagan rose to fame from his movies, and how he became the President of the Screen Actors Guild. He had a heart for politics and was trying to speak out on political issues any time he could. Many people around him did not appreciate this, remember this is Hollywood. After his first wife divorced him, his acting career began to slowly die. He later met Nancy Reagan, who was a sweet and supportive woman, and they were soon married. Something I did not know was Reagan was a Democrat, before running for Governor of California. Reagan saw the agenda of the Communist and wanted to put a stop to it. Communist thinking and ideas were beginning to be pushed in America subtly by the Democrats.

When asked why he left his party, he responded, “I did not leave them, they left me.”

Reagan ran for Governor of California as a Republican Candidate and he won. He soon decided he wanted to run for President. In 1968, Reagan ran for the Presidential race, and lost to Nixon. However, he did not give up. Reagan ran again in 1980 and won. I am sure you all know this but there was an assassination attempt against Ronald Reagan. He was shot by John Hinckley Jr. One of the assassin's bullets ricocheted off of Reagan’s car, and hit him under the left armpit. His Secret Service immediately jumped into action and some of them were also wounded in the process.

After the first term, Reagan decided to run again for President in 1984 and won a second term. Being known for his wits and his kind personality America grew to love him. He was one of the greatest President’s in American history and was known for his Berlin Wall Speech.

Reagan lived out the rest of his days at home with his wife in California. Sadly, he contacted Alzheimer's disease and eventually passed away from it.

The movie really tore at my heart strings and was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Dennis Quaid did an amazing job portraying him in the film.

Similarities Today?

After watching this movie, I was in shock. Back then, Communism was beginning to be slowly pushed in America, and that was something Reagan noticed. While he fought for peace, he was well aware of the communist’s agenda. How does this apply today?

Look at Communist countries like China, do you see God being the center in any of their schools, families, and even churches? They are told what to even preach at church. Everything is censored.

The Communist counties, begin to take their citizen’s rights away slowly, until they have nothing. America has taken God out of schools, and the traditional family values are no longer encouraged. Another example was during COVID. The government tried to force us all to get a vaccine during COVID, and some jobs were firing people rejected taking it. People were not allowed to leave their homes either.

The Democrats want to take away our right to bear arms, while those in power get to keep them. In Communist countries, they take away everyone’s way to defend themselves and only those in power are allowed to have them. If you need an example, Kamala Harris has said that we need gun control, but she said at the debate she is a gun owner. How is that fair at all?

Don’t believe me?

Watch this video:

This is literally happening today in America. Sounds like it is getting to be more of a socialist country.

Next is the assassination attempt on Trump, Trump has had not one attempt but two assassination attempts against him. The question is, will people wake up like they did in 1980 and vote red…or will they harden their hearts to God.

It is commonly understood that the Republican party most aligns with the Word of God, wouldn’t it be such an amazing thing to see if almost all the states turned red this election?


In conclusion, I want to say that this movie is a must see. You can wait for it to come out on DVD, if you want to save some money. However, I am unsure if it will be added to Prime Video or streaming services since the leftist agenda tries so hard to censor anything leaning more to the right side. (Again, more Communist tactics being implemented into America today.)

I learned so much from this movie and I see so many similarities to today’s time. It really breaks my heart to see that America has strayed away from God. We used to be, “one nation under God” now people do not even believe in God anymore.

If you are free this weekend, find a movie theater near you and watch Reagan! Again, you need to check because only select theaters are playing this!

If you end up going, let me know your thoughts in the comments!

ALSO, fun fact.. Dennis Quaid is voting for Trump.




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