How To Enhance Your Quiet Time:

This post is written by Ashley H . Ashley mentions 2 helpful methods she uses to study and learn more about God’s Word. She also links some book recommendations and links to other websites that can help you learn even more!

What methods do you use to study Scripture? Do you have a method? If not, try Ashley’s method!

As believers, we all know how important spending time in the word is and how that helps our knowledge of Christ grow as well as our relationship with him. While in college, I was apart of a Christian ministry called Campus Outreach. I learned so many things about studying scripture, prayer, scripture memorization and more. I wanted to take some time to share some things I found very helpful when it comes to studying scripture. These aren’t things that Campus Outreach created, they just simply shared these with us as resources to help us while studying scripture. By studying scripture, we get a greater depth of knowledge, we remember more and we are able to grow in our convictions. The goal of studying the bible is to understand God’s intended meaning, not our own. The Bible is about God, not us.

Inductive Method

This method has been incredibly helpful for me and it’s something I still use today. This has helped me to better understand context, dive deeper and apply the scripture to my life. This method uses 3 different things: Observation, Interpretation and Application. This is intended to be used with smaller amounts of scripture. Typically 4-6 verses but you aren’t limited to that. This method works in a way that goes from specific to broad.


This is where you look at what the text says at face value. You should spend time dissecting the text. Look at the key connecting words in the sentences such as therefore, for, but, and. Look at who and what the pronouns are referring to and look at the subject of the text. See if there are any words you aren’t sure of the meaning and write them down. As you read, if you have questions about the text, write those down.

Some questions to ask during observation:

-Who is the author?

-Who is the audience?

-What is happening?

-Where is it happening?

-What is being communicated in the scripture?

-Are there any repeated words/phrases?

Would you describe the verses as a command, caution, comparison (like or as / Proverbs 25:26), contrast (but), covenant, cause and effect (Romans 6:23, John 3:16) and controversy?

Try to rewrite the main point of the verses using your own words. During observation, this is simply for you to read the text and take note of what you see…for you to simply observe.


This is where you are seeking to determine the meaning of what the scripture is saying. Interpretation is usually where you will spend most of your time. Knowing the context of the passage helps you to understand the author’s intended meaning. You may need to look at the verses before and afterwards to get a better understanding of the context. Spend time looking at the purpose of these verses. Ask yourself why. Why did the author choose those specific words, why was it said that way or said at all. Look at the culture of the time the verses are written. Now is when you can look through some of the questions you wrote down or thought about from your time in observation. Look at the repeated words and phrases and look at how you described the verses. Using cross references is helpful because scripture interprets scripture. Spend time looking at other verses that use the same phrases, words, places or ideas. This can help you to understand the verses you are studying more. This is where you can look up definitions of words or look into the history of what was happening when the scripture was written. It’s important to let scripture interpret scripture.


James 1:19-25

This is where you spend time seeing how this scripture does or doesn’t apply itself to your

life. Why should we apply the word of God? For the goodness of our souls forever and for

the goodness of our souls now (Genesis 2:16-17 / Luke 11:28).

Here are some practical ways you can do this:

Prayer: Spend time praying for the Lord to open your heart to what the scripture is saying

and for your heart to change if it is hardened and that he would make it soft and moldable.

Measurable: When thinking of ways this can apply to your life, think of applications that

you can be held accountable to. State a specific change you want to implement where you

need help. This is a way you can ask a friend or mentor to come alongside you and help.

Achievable: These applications should be practical, doable but also be a step of faith

where you are trusting the Lord to do the work in you. Write down how you plan to

accomplish achieving the application you have set.

Timely: Think of applications that can be done in the coming days or weeks.


SPECK is another helpful way to study scripture. I find this one to be helpful when I may

not have as much time to dedicate to scripture. You may not be able to answer every letter

but it helps you to do a deeper dive into the passage you are reading.

Sin to avoid

Promise to claim

Example to follow

Command to obey

Knowledge about God

“Let God use this tool in your life; this is not a self-effort project. Have confidence that

God is conforming you to Christ’s image and He will complete what He has started”

Helpful Resources

Blue Letter Bible app: This has different translations of the bible, commentaries, help

with cross references and more.

Desiring God: This website has many articles, books, and podcast episodes that are great

resources on studying scripture.

Bible Recap: This can be a great podcast resource for people who need to listen to

scripture and have a nice recap of what they read.


Knowing Scripture by R.C Sproul

Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin

How to get the most from God’s word by John MacArthur

Read this first by Gary Millar

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